why is there less booty in OT

Author Topic: why is there less booty in OT  (Read 2790 times)

just gonna say
i hate bronies
and heavily dislike gays
which tend to belong in the above

anyway how's the weather

just gonna say
i hate bronies
and heavily dislike gays
which tend to belong in the above

anyway how's the weather

Very sunny with clear skies. With a small chance of turning very cloudy and pissing down in a span less then 5 minutes.
Furries and Bronies are on par as the worst kind of people.

Inb4thethreadbecomesmassdebat eoverbroniesandfurries

[slow clap]


[slow clap]
Already happened, get with the times.

i blame the heavy influx of children

and furries

too many furries on blockland now
i cant scroll down one thread without seeing 3 people's furrsonas.
yep, this gets annoying

Because horses and foxes is where it's at man. Times is changing, no more girls, instead we will resort to loving animals in the wild.

Too many squares on blockland now
I cant scroll down without seeing 3 people's square avatars


[slow clap]

Here you go.

Because there are better things to do than post in off topic
like play that new game called "blockland"
So unbelievably irrelevant
Off-topic has always been active, and there's no issue with that. Your benevolent overlord just wants some more ass.

just gonna say
i hate bronies
and heavily dislike gays
which tend to belong in the above

i hope im not a weaboo because i like one piece. D:

So unbelievably irrelevant
Off-topic has always been active, and there's no issue with that. Your benevolent overlord just wants some more ass.
refer to me as the swagfather. dont worry i usually give out warnings to the more clueless members. just make sure you don't make a slip-up like that again.