I have to say the server is going really well, there's a load of great builds to check out so even if you're not in the mood to build ... come and have a look around - you might get inspired!
I would but I'm banned for no reason.
Can you increase the draw distance? I can barely see anything.
The draw distance is to force people to go and actually explore instead of jetting around overhead and not really taking in any of the detail.
Ah. Its just that I like to save block party builds before they go down and sometimes when the draw distance is lower it doesnt ghost as much as it normally would. Also I was planning on building an observation tower so I can see the whole build.
This one's turning out really great so as long as people keep swinging by the server and contributing I'll keep it atleast until September, maybe longer.
It looks like it's gonna be a great block party, I for one love the asian theme they've got going on in the west!
I take regular saves and post them in the gallery when the theme changes so don't worry about taking your own saves.