Author Topic: forget you all, Dbags.  (Read 3562 times)

Blockland forum... You guys are horrible people.

You are intolerant pricks.

You begin flaming a person for saying something incorrect.

Im glad i left this site for better ones like Reddit.
But because of you i now have a serious disgust for forums...
Thanks for nothing.

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 09:16:55 AM by Ephialtes »

We hope you enjoyed your stay.

this forum has piranhas

make one move and they don't like it, you're forgeted.

these types of people you just stay away from and ignore, and what you just did, yelling and cursing at them, just;
A. Angered them and are now going to spam this topic
B. Have them see an opportunity to troll you in this topic

Yeah, you didn't really help yourself by making this topic.

just another guy who thinks everyone cares that he hates the forums

I care. And I too, hate the forums. But I stay for gallery and GD.

Imo the BL forum community is fine. Its like we're allowed freedom of speech. Most use it for good, but of course there will be ones who "are that bad they don't deserve it" and exploit it. Just gotta wait until they get banned and its okay.

I like this forum. It's a nice forum.

Personally, the community is fine for me.

But what you did is clearly against the rules. So, see you next time!