Author Topic: Mounds Bar just doesn't get it.  (Read 32017 times)

All 49 simons support you yes.

exept for the gay simon yes.

    how many shells would shelly find down by the sea shore?

    My eyes get jumped ;s;
Wh-what. The list, the shel- what

This just confirms you're blind.

Wh-what. The list, the shel- what

This just confirms you're blind.
Or he's tripping on any number of controlled substances.

Or he's tripping on any number of controlled substances.
he ate too many Mounds Bars

>be me
>le support
>mfw no face

sage in all fields, we are nonymos, /b/tards unot

4chan and this forum don't mix, especially /b/, which is the board mounds bar browses.
muslim is being kind-of hypocritical because on brotatoes server he was speaking in 'green-text' and thought it was cool.

muslim is being kind-of hypocritical because on brotatoes server he was speaking in 'green-text' and thought it was cool.

lol it was a grind your gears thread, the forget did you expect?
no it wasn't.  read more, friend.

muslim is being kind-of hypocritical because on brotatoes server he was speaking in 'green-text' and thought it was cool.
I don't have a problem with greentext but when you use greentext because you think this website is 4chan thats when i have a problem.

OP is missing some stuff but I /support
Mounds Bar, please stop before you end up in banland.

It really shows his immaturity when he justifies his starting stuff because somebody else started some stuff.

My sides
isnt this the new "lol" where "my sides" actually means "I smirked a little"