Author Topic: Swollow - Using my IP to track down my state, and town.  (Read 9896 times)

I was playing on Filipe's Speedkart when Swollow decides to find my IP.

He then says my IP out loud. Blanked out for reasons.

He admits to it.

He then tracks my IP down, and says my state out loud, not much offense here, I don't mind my state being given out.

He also says no to my demand, admitting he did it.

After that, he decides to yell out my Latitude and Longitude, blanked out for obvious reasons.

This is where the final line was crossed, he goes ahead and says my town OUT LOUD. (also taro trolling here asking for my address)

I believe that's enough proof.

I have now lost all respect for swollow.
gg swollow

ono ur gon get haked

nah, IPs are everywhere, you will not be hacked, and even if he found the town that you live in, he would likely not bother to look over each house, or even bother to go to your town

I just wanted to play, wow man!1!

Wow Hacker THERE FACKING richardS

do you really think anyone cares where you live? I held back your street address as a common courtesy

I have now lost all respect for swollow.
gg swollow
oh no your respect!!
if it was you he was getting the info from you'd buy another key straight away..
no one values your respect

also what's the problem with him knowing your hometown?

oh no your respect!!
if it was you he was getting the info from you'd buy another key straight away..
no one values your respect

also what's the problem with him knowing your hometown?

It's the fact that he told everyone on the server. Also the fact that he said my Latitude/longitude, which is more specific than a town.

It's the fact that he told everyone on the server. Also the fact that he said my Latitude/longitude, which is more specific than a town.
Yes but what's so bad about him knowing all that?
Do you think he's going to come over for some tea to shoot your family afterwards?

your IP is easily obtainable and traceable
there's no reason to get upset because he has your IP

I have now lost all respect for swollow.

Lmao who cares about your respect?

Anyway it's just an IP, what's he going to do? Sell it for millions to a hacker?

It's the fact that he told everyone on the server. Also the fact that he said my Latitude/longitude, which is more specific than a town.

And IP's aren't that accurate to pin point your exact latitude/longitude. It's off by a few tens of miles.

He made this information public because you are clearly a love offender Mr. Molester.

your IP is easily obtainable and traceable
there's no reason to get upset because he has your IP
a man cannot be told what he should or should not be bothered by. OP requested swollow to stop, and swollow continued, in any case.