Author Topic: Swollow - Using my IP to track down my state, and town.  (Read 9894 times)

he actually never told me to stop he just screamed "DUDE WHAT THE forget"
I honestly have no clue why this is dramable he asked everyone to ask him questions so I asked him if he lived there
if he really cared so much about his privacy and where he lived he wouldn't have reacted and would have said "no I don't live there"

he actually never told me to stop he just screamed "DUDE WHAT THE forget"
He also says no to my demand, admitting he did it.

it's kinda hard to think sensitively when your location was just revealed to the world

"DUDE WHAT THE forget"
is a sign when you should stop

None of you can see the problem here. It's the fact that he said all this info out loud that makes it a problem.

a city isn't enough information to do any damage I live in
Washington, Seattle.

None of you can see the problem here. It's the fact that he said all this info out loud that makes it a problem.
Yes but what's so bad about them knowing all that?
Do you think he's going to come over for some tea to shoot your family afterwards?

can you answer this instead of repeating yourself

I have now lost all respect for swollow.
gg swollow
I wouldn't lose all respect for swollow. IPs are public, traceable and can be found anywhere.

Although, swollow should have stopped when the OP asked.

it should be noted that it's still super creepy

regardless of whether the information is useful or even dangerous the act of trying to find out even the general area of where someone lives is super creepy

Twenky, seeing as how incredibly stuff this community can be sometimes, I really wouldn't trust them with where I live.

a city isn't enough information to do any damage I live in
Washington, Seattle.

Remember you revealed his lat/long, witch I can punch into Google maps and get an exact location.

I wasn't aware anyone respected me

anyway he asked everyone to ask him questions and thats just what I did

Remember you revealed his lat/long, witch I can punch into Google maps and get an exact location.
lat/long of his internet provider

a city isn't enough information to do any damage I live in
Washington, Seattle.

wow so cool

he asked you to stop
you didn't stop

telling anyone their location is as richardish as hell

wow so cool

he asked you to stop
you didn't stop

telling anyone their location is as richardish as hell
alright well I'm atleast trying to justify it, I gave out the same information of myself that I gave out that he had

alright well I'm atleast trying to justify it, I gave out the same information of myself that I gave out that he had
giving out your information doesn't solve anything

it's like stabbing someone then stitching up their wound
you just don't do that

You cannot justify being rude as hell and purposefully making another player uncomfortable when they asked you to stop.

giving out your information doesn't solve anything

it's like stabbing someone then stitching up their wound
you just don't do that
You cannot justify being rude as hell and purposefully making another player uncomfortable when they asked you to stop.

I honestly didn't think he would have a tizzy fit over public information
sorry everyone.