Author Topic: MotE App. ; LoserHero  (Read 1768 times)

Alright well i said I would have it finished by tonight so here it is.

I took a lot of screenies so that you guys can get a thorough look of what I've done here.

I believe I am MotE material but then again that is up for you to decide. Rating's are welcome as well :D

(Front View)

(Angled View; To show the demension of the building of course)

(Side Views)

(Interiors; I realize there is no furniture, I will add that later.)

(Back View)

(Finally Birds eye view, from the top of the building)

I hope you are satisfied with this. I was told that you are only accepting extraordinary apps'
so I took my time while still finishing on the deadline i gave myself. (2 days)

Thank you for taking time out of your day to view my build.

-Constructive criticism please-

The garden needs improving but otherwise i'd say around 7-8/10

I'd say it's good but not good enough.

I'd say it's good but not good enough.

:\ any areas that need improving? Also pictures don't do this justice, but that maybe be just me.

I think its a great work,but it wont get in to MotE,i made something like this once...but it didnt get in...don't worry,you can join other clans...such as mine,BSB,etc...most of them don't require building applications..

Front yard needs improving, I loved the inside, the back was ok


Can you get an angled pic thats zoomed out? Your pictures are too close to the building and don't show enough.

For now, 7/10. It's not bad.

It's nice, but you need to furnish it because it looks dull inside. And also, you need to add something to the garden as well, because it's kinda empty

I like how you you used ramps for the ouside of the house giving it a "widening" look. The yard looks great in shape, but i think that it would be cooler if it had at least two              different tree one on each side, great build  :cookieMonster:

I'd say it's good but not good enough.
I agree, see Barnabas' reply for constructive criticism.
I think its a great work,but it wont get in to MotE,i made something like this once...but it didnt get in...don't worry,you can join other clans...such as mine,BSB,etc...most of them don't require building applications..
Yours wasn't as good at this one. Also, gtfo of this thread, go spam clan somewhere else.

Alright well thanks for viewing it anyway. I will furnish the house and add some adjustments to the yard (and back yard) and such though i won't submit the build [as an app] again because that would be somewhat dry of me.

I'll apply again probably within the next two weeks (or if i go on a roll much much sooner) with a better, bigger, much more creative and furnished build.

No thanks Aviv.

I'll submit pictures of this build again Falcon when it's updated.

you can always join my clan {LV}

you can always join my clan {LV}

No thank you.

For future request, unless you are MotE don't bother asking me.

Front view looks best 7.5/10