Author Topic: 2013/05/14 - Blockland r1864  (Read 50903 times)

latest update
latest update
nananana latest update

latest update
latest update
nananana latest update

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Latest update omg!! what

Two bugs I have encountered recently:
  • Leaving any type of file other than an image in the screenshots folder may result in the main menu appearing completely white.
  • Disabling chat by setting the Chat Line Time value to zero complicates manual entry of commands.

Two bugs I have encountered recently:
  • Leaving any type of file other than an image in the screenshots folder may result in the main menu appearing completely white.
  • Disabling chat by setting the Chat Line Time value to zero complicates manual entry of commands.
Put that in the latest revision thread, not the Steam Status thread.

Put that in the latest revision thread, not the Steam Status thread.

He did. Look at what thread you're in.

Found a bug: Temp bricks are included in /brickcount.