Author Topic: 2013/08/28 - Blockland has been greenlit!  (Read 105957 times)

Nowadays, anything with zombies in it is a godsend. To people that by games like that, a game like Blockland is just going to be some childish lego game at first glance.
anyone with that mentality can stay far away from blockland for all i care

but we have zombies too

anyone with that mentality can stay far away from blockland for all i care
Also true.

a new age is dawning for family rps

a new age is dawning for family rps

idk why people say this
it doesn't matter if there's an influx of immature kids and their servers. just don't join them.

More stuff servers means less good servers in proportion.

Though I still agree with you to an extent, Orion.


This is good news, the Steam platform might let the game prosper.
If you don't like meeting new players though, stick with the old. No one is forcing you to.

what if we turn out like the ace of spades and some starfish buys blockland?

what if we turn out like the ace of spades and some starfish buys blockland?

Doubt that'll happen; Badspot loves us all too much to do that to us!

Doubt that'll happen; Badspot loves us all too much to do that to us!
I sadly think he don't like any of his children :c

I sadly think he doesn't like any of his children :c


cant say i'm expecting anyone to rush to blockland, but I hope we have some luck

Technically blockland is $20, but after the sale in June ended, it stuck at $10 and hasn't change back since

but what about the 99 other games Blockland will be surrounded by

but what about the 99 other games Blockland will be surrounded by
The list is technically A-Z.

Blockland has a B.

We are #10 on that list.