Author Topic: 2013/08/28 - Blockland has been greenlit!  (Read 105960 times)

The list is technically A-Z.

Blockland has a B.

We are #10 on that list.
smart decision making on badspot for not naming his game zlockland

what if we turn out like the ace of spades and some starfish buys blockland?

I don't think Badspot would do that. I mean LEGO already offered him for the game and he declined (I read about it).

smart decision making on badspot for not naming his game zlockland


be at the top of every list
« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 12:56:50 AM by Electrk »

I don't think Badspot would do that. I mean LEGO already offered him for the game and he declined (I read about it).

he didn't decline. they never replied.

Wow, um...

I really don't know what to say...

Why do people practically think bl will get flooded with new players?

It's about time.

Anyway it will be good* to see how both the game and the community change.
*and kinda sad

Why do people practically think bl will get flooded with new players?
i wouldn't say "flooded"
but we could still get an influx of new players because its Steam
A lot of people at my school use Steam, and none of them know what Blockland is because it wasn't on Steam

i wouldn't say "flooded"
but we could still get an influx of new players because its Steam
A lot of people at my school use Steam, and none of them know what Blockland is because it wasn't on Steam
But if blockland remains at $20 it may be offputting to some users

But if blockland remains at $20 it may be offputting to some users
Oh please.

If that were the case then no one would have ever brought Blockland before.

People don't expect things on Steam to be cheap. The opposite is quite often true.
If someone who uses Steam is too stingy to spend $20 on Blockland then they're simply not going to play it.
They miss out and they were never going to buy the game, whether it was Greenlit or not.

Just because Blockland is an Indie game doesn't mean it should have it's price cut.
That doesn't work with other games.
The price is suitable and fair for a complete game.
I've seen people spend $20 on games in alpha full of bugs.
Blockland is complete enough and provides enough material to be worth it's current price.
It is also much cheaper than any other mainstream game. It is cheap as an indie game. You're not spending $60 on it, like you would from other games from big publishers.

And considering that Steam almost certainly takes a cut from every single purchase, it would be ludicrous for Badspot to cut the price even lower. It's cheap as it is.

When you bought blockland you just wandered on the site or did you watch videos and read about chances are its number 2 must people on steam dont know about blockland $20 is a great price now after you play it but most steam users who dont will probably wait for a sale

When you bought blockland you just wandered on the site or did you watch videos and read about chances are its number 2 must people on steam dont know about blockland $20 is a great price now after you play it but most steam users who dont will probably wait for a sale


When you bought blockland you just wandered on the site or did you watch videos and read about chances are its number 2 must people on steam dont know about blockland $20 is a great price now after you play it but most steam users who dont will probably wait for a sale
I was recommended the game.
I went to the website and downloaded the demo.
I then purchased the game.

People are still capable of doing this with Steam. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Steam hosts the demo for people to download too.
And people can find the game and on Steam and read about it there.
It's not like everyone who uses Steam simply wanders onto games and purchases the cheapest thing they can find.
People do research before they buy on Steam. That's why all Steam Games have trailers and screenshots and descriptions and ratings on their purchase page.

That doesn't change the fact that the game is worth $20 and anyone interested in it will buy it.
Sure, they may wait for a sale. So what.
If the game was $10 they may still wait for a sale.
There is no point in cutting Badspots profits for no reason.

Why do people practically think bl will get flooded with new players?

because they're misinformed about how game sales generally work after something is released on steam

also at the guys talking about where blockland will be, it's possible the list isn't even A-Z. not to mention there will possibly be front page promotion for certain games. if blockland gets a front page slot (I doubt it but that would be cool) then maybe you can expect a huge amount of users. maybe.

I wonder if Ephi will make some kind of cross-compatibility with RTB and Steam.  Maybe the steam friendslist is linked to the RTB friendslist?  You can invite a player to join through RTB and it will send them a notification on steam? Who knows.  It would be super cool if they were implemented together.