Author Topic: 2013/08/28 - Blockland has been greenlit!  (Read 113578 times)

When will blockland be on steam? It's getting rowdy in here.

When will blockland be on steam? It's getting rowdy in here.

When will blockland be on steam? It's getting rowdy in here.
Patience is the key, young padawan.

We're kinda due for an update arn't we?

Patience you, you must! to be impatient, you shouldn't  `master yoooda


When will it become released for sale?

It's seriously making me cringe to see all these stuff games like Rush Bros getting released while Blockland is just sitting there in the Greenlit section

(I know it takes time, but the process should've been faster for BL)

When will it become released for sale?
when valve buys sprite and makes the master race of sugar and diabetes

when valve buys sprite and makes the master race of sugar and diabetes
what are you on, bro. just, what.

(I know it takes time, but the process should've been faster for BL)
Why? Because it's released? There are plenty of other released games that have been greenlit that haven't been released yet.

In the end, we're still waiting for something to happen. It would help if Badspot released regular info/updates in this thread.

I think Badspot is just keeping steam release withheld until Blockland's 9th anniversary.