Author Topic: Think about new video game consoles.  (Read 3091 times)

A console that plays games and isn't a combination jukebox movie theater microwave oven refrigerator.

GameCube revival. With real games, not CoD, or Sticker Star, or these "3D" Mario games with no depth.

i want a real paper Mario sequel :c

A console that plays games and isn't a combination jukebox movie theater microwave oven refrigerator.
a playstation 2 you mean?

A console that plays games and isn't a combination jukebox movie theater microwave oven refrigerator.

Do you know how much I would pay for a machine that plays music and movies and also cooks + stores food?

New consoles are just a way to steal tons of money from the world
Anything after PS3 or 360 or Wii you shouldn't buy

Virtual console has been around for quite some time.



N64 Deluxe - Play all of those classic nostalgic games you remember as a kid.. but in HD!!

GameCube revival. With real games
not CoD

When was any popular call of duty ever associated with nintendo?

Or not an actual game?

that is the ugliest thing I've ever seen
It's a chinese knock off console, what did you expect?

oculus rift + gloves
and the "movement" pad, and the SPECIAL microphone, and the tactile sensors, and the heartbeat moniter, and the phallus sensor, and the buttocks sensor, and the artifical pain simulator suit, and the limited edition soda helmet, all for $16,000 plus tax