Author Topic: 5 Minute Dating  (Read 4460 times)

Aaaw, how sad.
Thought they'd make a lovely disfigured couple.

I like the moral of it which is do not trust ugly people.

i burst out laughing when she said kindergarden teacher.

like lol.

What the forget did I just watch.

You see, the BL forums are 90% cool 10 % straight downright what the forget weird.

I'm so confused.

That was the most disfigured revolting thing i've ever loving seen.

What the forget is wrong with you people.

that ending was unexpected.

That's... terrible
Are you sure there isn't a rule against this?

The plot twist of the century.

That's... terrible
Are you sure there isn't a rule against this?
It's not exactly gore? Right?

I'm tired of people complaining about gore whenever someone posts something related to death or something even slightly bloody. Either you're just trying to get people banned which would make you a jerk or you can't handle even the slightest amount of blood or gore, in which case you could have simply stopped watching near the beginning. Like "wow that made me cringe, get banned"
It's not a big deal, especially in this specific situation.

forget this is actually pretty loving awesome but oh my god that made me kind of forget i don't even right now what

I like the moral of it which is do not trust ugly people.

>Age:   12
Well there's your problem

He just loving ate her.
Her eye was bleeding puss.
Her head was like forgeted up from the right.
His face was all slashed up.

totally my problem.