Author Topic: 5 Minute Dating  (Read 4454 times)

He just loving ate her.
Her eye was bleeding puss.
Her head was like forgeted up from the right.
His face was all slashed up.

you could've stopped watching when you first saw it, you know
but you chose to continue watching
so you can't really blame the OP

He just loving ate her.
Her eye was bleeding puss.
Her head was like forgeted up from the right.
His face was all slashed up.

totally my problem.
I don't remember being this big of a wimp when I was twelve.

I don't remember being this big of a wimp when I was twelve.
It's not about being a wimp. It's about having the decency to realize when something is simply messed up. I didn't mind it at all myself until the last part, because truthfully, there are people like that. And they tend to get shunned when they shouldn't. I guess I somewhat expected it to be a lesson toward society by pointing that out, but the last par just proved that theory wrong.

To put it simply, being disgusted =/= being a wimp.

To put it simply, being disgusted =/= being a wimp.
Nah, you're a wimp if you can't handle horror.

Nah, you're a wimp if you can't handle horror.
He handled it, he just didn't like it.

Is it just me or the link just brought me to the popular page of youtube.

i thought they lived happily ever after and she made him corn beef hash, and he was eating it so savagely because he really loved it and his plan was to have the delicious corn beef hashes of every single women hence the nametags