Author Topic: Half-Life 2 Weapons Pack (Tracers! Bullet holes! forget! [17.11.13])  (Read 25839 times)

oh look a pre-release

RPG doesn't show on the item list, and the AR2 alt fire doesn't work.
also why does the grip on the mp7 move during reload?

Looking through the files of the prerelease, it seems the .cs for the RPG isn't done. Plus, the model file for it doesn't even seem to exist at all.

I'll try renaming it and getting rid of the - wip in the .cs for the RPG and see if anything happens.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 02:37:27 PM by pantherfan »

Looking through the files of the prerelease, it seems the .cs for the RPG isn't done. Plus, the model file for it doesn't even seem to exist at all.

I'll try renaming it and getting rid of the - wip in the .cs for the RPG and see if anything happens.
Well, the rocket will follow the crosshair and stuff, but it won't properly explode.
And there will be some issues with states.

yu accept babies???

anyway: bugs n stuff
The grenade doesn't have dat lovey ass emitter when thrown
the MP7 alt grenade looks like a box
the Crossbow has an odd way of reloading, it shoots a bolt, returns to the "loaded" model, and then suddenly turns back to unloaded and starts the reloading animation
list requred add-ons please, I can't fire the alt with the AR2 (with proj. energy ball enabled) and the MP7 grenade doesn't have an explosion just damages things around it
is the crowbar supposed to 1 hit kill?
When firing the shotgun you flinch back alot more when shooting 1 shell compared to the 2 shell alt, is this intentional?

so far
I might edit in more bugs if I find some
« Last Edit: September 20, 2013, 11:55:40 AM by SgtDaemon »

yu accept babies???

anyway: bugs n stuff
The grenade doesn't have dat lovey ass emitter when thrown
the MP7 alt grenade looks like a box
the Crossbow has an odd way of reloading, it shoots a bolt, returns to the "loaded" model, and then suddenly turns back to unloaded and starts the reloading animation
list requred add-ons please, I can't fire the alt with the AR2 (with proj. energy ball enabled) and the MP7 grenade doesn't have an explosion just damages things around it
is the crowbar supposed to 1 hit kill?
When firing the shotgun you flinch back alot more when shooting 1 shell compared to the 2 shell alt, is this intentional?

so far
I might edit in more bugs if I find some
The crossbow reloading animations is a known issue. Shotgun flinch is intentional.
but all the other things happening are certainly bugs.
Can you tell me more about crowbar? Give me a list of add-ons you had enabled? I thought AR2 and MP7 alt. fire issues were just me, since when I execute them in-game they work fine, but it seems like it's indeed a problem with the add-on.

umm sure
gimme a min or two
The crowbar is okay now, apparently that stupid support_headshot script was the one screwing it up.
I don't even know why I had it anyways it's a load of crap.
It works fine now without it.

The AR2 alt. is still not working on default add-ons, this pack, and projectile_energyBall.
MP7 alt is the same; press right click, box-grenade-projectile shoots, grenade impacts, it kills stuff around it, plays sounds, but no explosion emitters or anything.Still default add-ons, this pack, and projectile_energyBall.
I have no idea why no emitters on thrown Inc. grenades.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2013, 03:05:00 AM by SgtDaemon »

umm sure
gimme a min or two
The crowbar is okay now, apparently that stupid support_headshot script was the one screwing it up.
I don't even know why I had it anyways it's a load of crap.
It works fine now without it.

The AR2 alt. is still not working on default add-ons, this pack, and projectile_energyBall.
MP7 alt is the same; press right click, box-grenade-projectile shoots, grenade impacts, it kills stuff around it, plays sounds, but no explosion emitters or anything.Still default add-ons, this pack, and projectile_energyBall.
I have no idea why no emitters on thrown Inc. grenades.

I actually know why AR2 and SMG don't have alt. fire stuff.
it's because they execute faster than the stuff they are supposed to use, creating a clusterforget.
Gonna fix it.

Also yeah, never use headshot mod. Ever.
I'm surprised it isn't even failed yet.

Pre-Release download link updated!
Fixed most of the bugs mentioned above
Added a model for shotgun ammo

nice fix.
does adding an ammo item into the players inventory via addItem work?

nice fix.
does adding an ammo item into the players inventory via addItem work?
although I may try to make it work that way.

Sweet progress! Added decal system for gun holes (thx port), added RPG and added stunstick! Expect an update soon.