Author Topic: Can I run Manjaro Linux 64 bit?  (Read 500 times)

So I need to stick with a single loving linux distro, cuz Ubuntu is stuff, Elementary is boring, Debian and Fedora are both ew and arch is too hard to install and set up. And now I found Manjaro which is like Arch Linux but more user friendly, and I really like it so I want to install that but idk if I want x86_64 or i686
Here's my specs:
GPU: NVidia GeForce 8500GT
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66GhZ

The distro I'm currently on is Elementary os but it's really boring
So tell me please, x86_64 (64bit) or i686 (32bit) OS should I install?

wtf you should know what architecture your machine is
the better question would be what DE to install. as far as i know, their only releasing xfce4 and openbox variants

i choose xfce4 since openbox has problems running some applications but your choice