Author Topic: WWYD - What would you do?  (Read 1924 times)

I'd remind myself not to leave my richard outside anymore.

WWYD if north korea took over?

wonder how in god's name they managed that

if a nuclear war was started

Run for shelter.

What would you do if the Blockland forums all went to the same school?

I wouldnt show up because im a social handicap

WWYD if you went to jail for no reason

make friends

WWYD you could kill anyone and get away with it clean

I would kill you

Wwyd is you where forced to watch that show you hate forever

Self Delete by stab

Wwyd if you had a really stuffty computer and you were poor?

Live with what I had.

WWYD if you became a millionaire, but you couldn't buy anything

live off it

WWYD if you could make any game, limited only by imagination

I would make use of that skill and make games.

I would too.

WWYD if you stumbled upon nude photos of badspot?

Self Delete by stab

WWYDI you stumbled upon nude photos of ephialtes?


WWYDI an sharp economic turnaround put you in a tight financial spot and you were slowly running out of provisions?