Author Topic: WWYD - What would you do?  (Read 1923 times)

User 2: What would you do if [yadda yadda]

User 1: I would [blah blah]

What would you do if [X]?

User 3: I would [Y]

etc etc.
Ask the user what they would do if [X] happened. Questions can be serious or silly.

WWYD if George W Bush took a stuff on your lawn?
« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 10:40:12 PM by Tomcat »

eat george w bush
WWYD if your lawn took a george w bush on your stuff

i would realise that the america we are currently living in needs to change. Democrat party 2014!

what would you do if world war three happened and the integrity of glorious America was damaged?

Self Delete by stab.
WWYD if John Lennon came back to life.

I would die.

WWYD if a gay man was being verbally/physically harassed in a conservative area?

I'd lol

WWYD for a Klondike bar?

I would show everyone how lovey my painis is

WWUD (wut wuud u du) if your painis is not as lovey as mine?

i'd rip yours off

what would you do if egg

i would egg

what would you do if you had the jet in feet

I would quit Blockland

WWUD if you were a dumbass robot

I would go explode

WWYD if you liked Roblox?

play it? um

wwyd if gravity reversed?

I would fall up forever until i exploded in space

WWYD if you were shot by Ronald McDonald?
« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 11:58:04 PM by Brickitect »

shoot back

if you turned around and cow fighter was standing behind you

I'd milk him

What would you do if your computer exploded and a blockhead came out.