Author Topic: nofunallowed.jpg  (Read 3965 times)

Come one we need some funny times. :D

Where did this picture come from?

Where did this picture come from?
I think it was from a 1990s Sonic comic.

A ton of you guys seem to think this is an excuse to post stupid topics or spam. It isn't "fun" it's just garbage filling up the boards.
Some examples:

its funny because you posted in elecro's help topic and acted like it was an ARG just because it had ARG in the title
what does that have to do with anything

what does that have to do with anything
you're literally doing the samething that you're complaining about in this topic

what does that have to do with anything
some people would consider it spam

because you know, opinions and stuff

I had no approval of the thread that was posted of me, lol. I was in a skype call with muslim and a few other people and he said he was posting it, so I looked over off topic and saw it

Double Post.
I fixed your situation. Everyone use this instead.