
Are kids really anoying?

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Author Topic: Annoying children/children with no manners.  (Read 3129 times)

When I was biking home from the store, I found 5-6 kids running around the street. They looked 7 at the oldest, and they were ALREADY saying stuff like "SHUT UP brother", "stuff", "forget" etc. And their parents, I assumed, didn't do jack stuff. Did I mention they looked loving SEVEN YEARS OLD? I honestly felt like running over the brats with my bike to clear the gene pool of handicaps.

I fear the future. The future of stupid
Wow, I mean saying stuff like that in public. I mean, god damn, if they really are seven then you either need to talk to their parents or run them over with the bike, those two are your only option. I'm 10 and I know how to curse but I don't call people brother or curse in public, I mean sometimes I do it around my friends but it usually slips out on accident :I

takes cookie/chip or something from plate

takes a bite out of it

puts it back.

takes cookie/chip or something from plate

takes a bite out of it

puts it back.
fingers the bowl of jellybeans
takes a handful
puts half back

 literally the reason i stay away from the dessert buffet

at my school there were these two classmates (forget i shouldn't even call them "mates" because they annoy me to hell), one thinks he's all special because he has only four fingers on one hand and a go-kart, anyways, him and this annoying little stuff that I talk about every now and then who is also in my class were kicking a trashcan and swatting at bees, where me, some friends, and about 5 other people were sitting around and the bees started to get aggravated, and eventually one of them dropped a dead bee on some older kid and he got up and yelled some curse word and then the coach made him run laps around a field, so I told the coach about the one who dropped the bee on him and he made him run too, then the one with four fingers started to call me a "tattle-tale" and he also says that he's thirteen.


tattle tale


i hate like all little kids, i seriously cant stand them, there have been few kids i have been able to talk to without wanting to tell them to shut up. it seems that there is like a lull in being loving annoying around like 6 for most kids, they are mature enough not to be completely dumb but not mature enough to know how to annoy you and be little stuffs. and then they turn into little stuffs again.

if i ever have kids i will just let my wife take care of them until they turn 13 and then i wont feel so bad about backhanding them across the face
ill be a great dad

I bet that if ass whippings weren't ruled as "child abuse" there would be less children taking and acting how they do.

you just check out the stuff i hear everyday while playing games like cod

loving 10 year olds with an emblem of a girl showing off her vagina, and with a loud high pitched voice screaming on the microphone everytime it dies.

also yeah rich spoiled kids are the worst.

Be in middle school; every time your waiting for your ride home (which is always loving 50 minutes late i swear), every single kid that passes you in the grade below you is trying to act gangster or something, swearing.
A lot of them even try yelling at the people driving cars and stuff.

Be in middle school; every time your waiting for your ride home (which is always loving 50 minutes late i swear), every single kid that passes you in the grade below you is trying to act gangster or something, swearing.
A lot of them even try yelling at the people driving cars and stuff.
good thing I go to a private school where freshman are chill.

Be in middle school; every time your waiting for your ride home (which is always loving 50 minutes late i swear), every single kid that passes you in the grade below you is trying to act gangster or something, swearing.
A lot of them even try yelling at the people driving cars and stuff.
Oh, you would love to meet the seventh graders in my old school, they were all snobby friends.

And then they always try to pick fights, too.

when i see what my generation is doing

i sit in a corner and cry and be ashamed of myself for being in this generation

My brother does this with me all day. I touch him, goodbye computer

Oh, you would love to meet the seventh graders in my old school, they were all snobby friends.
Not feg, just not very nice...