Author Topic: Pictionary  (Read 3095 times)

I've been working on pictionary because elm

Here's some pictures of the gui:

Main menu / server list

In a server

How this works:

I have made:
A Client
A Server (That runs on the client, or the server (I included a server mod so you can run a server hosting it)
A Server listing (It's hosted on my website)
The server listing is like the blockland server listing

To host, you need to port forward port 43420

To play, you need 2 people on your server
There are 7 lists of words to pick from:
Easy, Medium, Hard, VeryHard, Idioms, Movies, People

To guess, type ^guessed phrase or word
there has to be a drawing person

You don't become the person who draws if you win, it switches to a random person


It's still WIP, but this is a stable beta

You can host your own servers if you want
Servers check authentication when you post to the server list and when a player joins


If you spam junk in your server name, I will beat you up
If you spam junk in the chat rooms, I will beat you up

History and presets don't work

You can only draw and erase if you are the drawing person

Have fun playing pictionary!

please post if you find any bugs

so many richards will be drawn

i dont know why, but this reminds me of iSketch.

Fixed some server issues (like spamming clear)
made it so if you guess correctly, you draw next
Added auto list picking if you take a minute to pick
added some other stuff

Having a blast fixing bugs and playing pictionary!
11 people is our current record

this thing is amazing

things 2 come:
no lines inbetween pixels
dual color picking

It wouldn't let me draw when I was alone ;-;

Added spam protection!!
Fixed player list issues and what not

no lines inbetween pixels
He made it that way on purpose.
dual color picking
What do you mean?

BUG: The button in the main menu is off of the screen for me.
ANOTHER BUG: I hosted a server, then when I shut it down, it never went off the list.

Quote from: Client_Pictionary
Code: (pictButton.cs) [Select]
   %b = new GuiMLTextCtrl(PictionaryButtonMM) {
      profile = "HUDChatTextEditSize4Profile";
      horizSizing = "left";
      vertSizing = "top";
      position = "370 160";
      extent = "300 39";
      minExtent = "8 2";
      enabled = "1";
      visible = "1";
      clipToParent = "1";
      lineSpacing = "2";
      allowColorChars = "0";
      maxChars = "-1";
      text = "<font:impact:40><just:center><shadow:2:2>Play Pictionary";
      maxBitmapHeight = "-1";
      selectable = "1";
      autoResize = "1";
   %e=new GuiMouseEventCtrl(PictionaryButtonEvent) {
      profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
      horizSizing = "right";
      vertSizing = "bottom";
      position = "0 0";
      extent = "300 37";
      minExtent = "8 2";
      enabled = "1";
      visible = "1";
      clipToParent = "1";
      lockMouse = "0";
If the control that everything else is parented to has a name, don't assign a variable to it. Just do mainMenuButtonsGui.add(PictionaryButtonMM);

And don't make the second control a child of the first, with .add. Just set the brackets up right.
Code: [Select]
new GuiMLTextCtrl(PictionaryButtonMM)
profile = "HUDChatTextEditSize4Profile";
horizSizing = "left";
vertSizing = "top";
position = "370 160";
extent = "300 39";
minExtent = "8 2";
enabled = "1";
visible = "1";
clipToParent = "1";
lineSpacing = "2";
allowColorChars = "0";
maxChars = "-1";
text = "<font:impact:40><just:center><shadow:2:2>Play Pictionary";
maxBitmapHeight = "-1";
selectable = "1";
autoResize = "1";

new GuiMouseEventCtrl(PictionaryButtonEvent)
profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "0 0";
extent = "300 37";
minExtent = "8 2";
enabled = "1";
visible = "1";
clipToParent = "1";
lockMouse = "0";

« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 12:16:24 PM by jes00 »

GUI skills have blown my mind.


BUG: The button in the main menu is off of the screen for me.
ANOTHER BUG: I hosted a server, then when I shut it down, it never went off the list.

If the control that everything else is parented to has a name, don't assign a variable to it. Just do mainMenuButtonsGui.add(PictionaryButtonMM);

And don't make the second control a child of the first, with .add. Just set the brackets up right.
1st bug is a bug
2nd bug isn't It leaves the server list after 6 minutes

Also, I originally did what you posted, and it didn't work for me