Author Topic: Tips on making a good community project?  (Read 3143 times)

Looking to make one sometime, don't want it to seem like a ripoff of some other project.

Text adventures, in my opinion, are more fun, but it seems that they die faster. I'm hoping to make a text RPG that doesn't die out. (I still need some plot ideas, though. :K)

A lot of forumers prefer community projects which don't require much reading of how to play and rules. Community projects are a lot more exciting when they are simple and don't require that much effort to play. It's also recommended to stick with original ideas for community projects.

What does this mean

"Okay" (also spelled "OK", or "O.K.") is a colloquial word denoting approval, acceptance, agreement, assent, or acknowledgment. "Okay" has frequently turned up as a loanword in many other languages.

Text based things are easy to setup, but can become chaotic quickly. Pixel Art puts you more in control and creates more cooperation, instead of 50 things going on in different places. However you are vulnerable to people suggesting undesirable outcomes for updates in mass.

It is working for me

oh forget i thought pu.ush removed my tutorial lol