Author Topic: Add-on breaking client-side add-ons  (Read 1135 times)

A few people have reported that one of my add-ons causes other client-side add-ons to not load.
The add-on is not causing any problems for me, so I am unable to investigate the issue and possible solutions. I've looked through the code, and nothing pops out to me as potentially problem causing

Code: [Select]

package Env_LoadSave
//Called when starting load
function LoadBricks_ClickLoadButton()
$LoadBricksName = filterOutString(getField(LoadBricks_FileList.getValue(),0),"/");

//Called when loading is finished
function handleProcessComplete(%type,%msg)
if(LoadBricks_Environment.getValue()) //Load the environment after brick loading is complete

//Called when the save button is clicked
function SaveBricks_Save()
EnvGui.onWake(); //Appears to be the easiest way to update the client with environment settings from the server. Doing it now so it has some time to update before saving.
$SaveBricksName = SaveBricks_FileName.getValue();

//Returns when saving is finished
function SavingGui::Save()
if(SaveBricks_Environment.getValue())  //Save the environment after we save bricks

//Support for Siba's Delete extension
function DeleteSave_Confirm()
%file = "saves/" @ %fileName @ ".ble";

function LoadBricks_LoadEnvironment()
%fileName = "saves/" @ $LoadBricksName @ ".ble";

%file = new FileObject();
%file.readLine(); %file.readLine(); %file.readLine(); //Read a few lines to skip paste what we don't want
%line = %file.readLine();
%var = getField(%line,0);
%val = getField(%line,1);

function SaveBricks_SaveEnvironment()
//Write the .ble environment file
if($EnvGui::SkyIdx $= "") //Not having the environment settings could be caused by a few things, such as not being an admin on the server.
echo("Could not save environment.");

%file = new FileObject();
%file.openForWrite("saves/" @ $SaveBricksName @ ".ble");
%file.writeLine("This is a Blockland Environment file generated by Adam487's Save/Load Bricks Extension: Environment");
%file.writeLine("You probably shouldn't modify it cause you'll screw it up.");
%file.writeLine("WaterIdx" TAB $EnvGui::WaterIdx);
%file.writeLine("SkyIdx" TAB $EnvGui::SkyIdx);
%file.writeLine("GroundIdx" TAB $EnvGui::GroundIdx);

%file.writeLine("DayOffset" TAB $EnvGui::DayOffset);
%file.writeLine("DayLength" TAB $EnvGui::DayLength);
%file.writeLine("DayCycleEnabled" TAB $EnvGui::DayCycleEnabled);
%file.writeLine("DayCycleIdx" TAB $EnvGui::DayCycleIdx);
%file.writeLine("Sunational socialistmuth" TAB $EnvGui::Sunational socialistmuth);
%file.writeLine("SunElevation" TAB $EnvGui::SunElevation);
%file.writeLine("DirectLightColor" TAB $EnvGui::DirectLightColor);
%file.writeLine("AmbientLightColor" TAB $EnvGui::AmbientLightColor);
%file.writeLine("ShadowColor" TAB $EnvGui::ShadowColor);
%file.writeLine("SunFlareColor" TAB $EnvGui::SunFlareColor);
%file.writeLine("SunFlareSize" TAB $EnvGui::SunFlareSize);
%file.writeLine("SunFlareTopIdx" TAB $EnvGui::SunFlareTopIdx);
%file.writeLine("SunFlareBottomIdx" TAB $EnvGui::SunFlareBottomIdx);
%file.writeLine("VisibleDistance" TAB $EnvGui::VisibleDistance);
%file.writeLine("FogDistance" TAB $EnvGui::FogDistance);
%file.writeLine("FogHeight" TAB $EnvGui::FogHeight);
%file.writeLine("FogColor" TAB $EnvGui::FogColor);
%file.writeLine("WaterColor" TAB $EnvGui::WaterColor);
%file.writeLine("WaterHeight" TAB $EnvGui::WaterHeight);
%file.writeLine("UnderWaterColor" TAB $EnvGui::UnderWaterColor);
%file.writeLine("SkyColor" TAB $EnvGui::SkyColor);
%file.writeLine("WaterScrollX" TAB $EnvGui::WaterScrollX);
%file.writeLine("WaterScrollY" TAB $EnvGui::WaterScrollY);
%file.writeLine("GroundColor" TAB $EnvGui::GroundColor);
%file.writeLine("GroundScrollX" TAB $EnvGui::GroundScrollX);
%file.writeLine("GroundScrollY" TAB $EnvGui::GroundScrollY);
%file.writeLine("VignetteMultiply" TAB $EnvGui::VignetteMultiply);
%file.writeLine("VignetteColor" TAB $EnvGui::VignetteColor);
%file.writeLine("SimpleMode" TAB $EnvGui::SimpleMode);


Code: [Select]
//Modifies the load and save bricks guis to make room for and add checkboxes for loading environment

//Modify Load Bricks gui
//Get all the objects we need to modify
%loadButton = LoadBricks_LoadButton;
%description = LoadBricks_Description;
//Some objects we need to move don't have a name, so we have to find them
%count = LoadBricks_Window.getCount();
%obj = LoadBricks_Window.getObject(%i);
if(%obj.text $= "Cancel") //Cancel Button
%cancelButton = %obj;
if(%obj.getClassName() $= "GuiSwatchCtrl" && %obj.color $= "255 255 255 192") //Description Swatch
%descriptionSwatch = %obj;

//Modify some elements
%loadButton.shift("0 10");
%cancelButton.shift("0 10");
%descriptionSwatch.shift("0 15");
%description.shift("0 15");

//Create a new checkbox
new GuiCheckBoxCtrl(LoadBricks_Environment)
profile = "GuiCheckBoxProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "429 276";
extent = "150 30";
minExtent = "8 2";
enabled = "1";
visible = "1";
clipToParent = "1";
text = "Load Environment Settings";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "ToggleButton";

//Modify Save Bricks gui
//Get all the objects we need to modify
%description = SaveBricks_Description;
//Some objects we need to move don't have a name, so we have to find them
%count = SaveBricks_Window.getCount();
%obj = SaveBricks_Window.getObject(%i);
if(%obj.text $= "Cancel") //Cancel Button
%cancelButton = %obj;
if(%obj.getClassName() $= "GuiSwatchCtrl" && %obj.color $= "255 255 255 192") //Description Swatch
%descriptionSwatch = %obj;
if(%obj.text $= "Save") //Save button
%saveButton = %obj;
if(%obj.text $= "Description : ") //Description Header
%descriptionHeader = %obj;
if(%obj.text $= "Clear") //Clear Button
%clearButton = %obj;

//Modify some elements
%saveButton.shift("0 7");
%cancelButton.shift("0 7");
%descriptionSwatch.shift("0 15");
%descriptionHeader.shift("0 15");
%clearButton.shift("0 15");

//Create a new checkbox
new GuiCheckBoxCtrl(SaveBricks_Environment)
profile = "GuiCheckBoxProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "14 298";
extent = "140 30";
minExtent = "8 2";
enabled = "1";
visible = "1";
clipToParent = "1";
text = "Save Environment";
groupNum = "-1";
buttonType = "ToggleButton";

//Support for Siba's Save Delete Extension
package Env_LoadSaveGuiMod
function LoadBricks_Window::onWake(%this)
if($Env_LoadSave_SibaButtonsMoved || !isFile("Add-Ons/Client_SaveDelete/client.cs"))

$Env_LoadSave_SibaButtonsMoved = 1;
LoadBricks_CancelButton.shift("0 10");
LoadBricks_DeleteButton.shift("0 10");
LoadBricks_LoadButton.shift("0 10");

function SaveBricks_Window::onWake(%this)
if($Env_LoadSave_SibaSaveButtonsMoved || !isFile("Add-Ons/Client_SaveDelete/client.cs"))

$Env_LoadSave_SibaSaveButtonsMoved = 1;
SaveBricks_DeleteButton.shift("0 7");

It's because you're using %i in the global scope (guiMods.cs). Never do this.

More info and research:

Never use %i at the console local scope in your scripts. I would also suggest avoiding other one letter local scope variables, just use longer names, it doesn't hurt
So I just replace %i with a longer name?
That seems silly

So I just replace %i with a longer name?
That seems silly

It would be better to either use a global variable ($var) or to place that code inside a function.

It's because you're using %i in the global scope (guiMods.cs). Never do this.

Yeah, local variables in a global scope are known to break things.
Especially on dedicated servers when the execution context is from the user - then the engine literally crashes.

More info and research:

Private link.

More info and research:
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Was actually looking forward to reading that.

Was actually looking forward to reading that.

Oops, sorry. Here's the solution:
Quote from: Mr. Doom

DM+'s Ranks.cs
Line 164.
Use of %i in console local scope.

I have discovered that apparently the loading routine runs at the console's local scope instead of the scope of a function, which is strange, but whatever. Never use %i at the console local scope in your scripts. I would also suggest avoiding other one letter local scope variables, just use longer names, it doesn't hurt. As I suggested to Boom, if you have a global scope variable that you use to store the max count, then just use and increment that variable instead, so you'll never have problems again.

And now DM+ & Slayer run on both my dirty Windows 7 64-bit install of Blockland, and my clean install that is running under Ubuntu.

Mr. Doom
Actually I can't find the rest of the posts leading up to that - I think they were deleted.