Author Topic: What's high-school like?  (Read 11161 times)

So a girl liked you and you said no way because it's confirmed that she puts out? What the forget
>mfw i read this
>i see its otis
>"oh lol"

highschool is a bunch of whiney white girls and loud black girls

is the pothead named anthony
if yes i will loving hunt him down to the end of the thread
eehhh probably not

its TOO friendly tbh, atleast for me :/

What's highschool like?

Step into the Furry Megathread - Fuzzy Bits thread.

A bunch of teenagers who want to be represented. That's highschool.

Inb4 nightfox forgets me up with a stick
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 12:49:12 AM by Pandan »

"so many smokers"

"one smokes pot"

Lol'd harder than I should have XD

high school is great

dont be one of those losers waiting for their one true love though. get in there and get some hands on experience with the ladies or you'll be a mile behind when you do eventually land yourself a bird

It's kind of dumb
The seniors usually think theyre really cool and better than everyone else and the freshmen are trying too hard to fit in.
The classes don't really make sense in the way they're taught but I guess that's a flaw in the education system we have today.
It can get really stressful and if you take advanced classes you'll probably be getting 4 hours of homework a night. Meanwhile you have to worry about doing extracurriculars so that colleges will consider you when you apply. Oh and don't forget that at this time your hormones are raging and that makes everything oh so much more fun!
Good luck kid
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 10:37:16 AM by BubbaGum »

Freshman year, I friend zoned a girl because she got an abortion.
What they say about freshman girls is pretty true.
confirmed virgin. any hole = goal

high school is great

dont be one of those losers waiting for their one true love though. get in there and get some hands on experience with the ladies or you'll be a mile behind when you do eventually land yourself a bird

I dislike highschool because your gf will relay everything you do to her friends. It's like you're on a reality show. Sometimes girls AND guys will reject an attractive person for an ego boost.

This one girl is butt ugly and an attractive guy asks her out and she says no and still takes all his gifts. She was forever alone the rest of the year, she's a bitch queen too.

Your experience depends on how many friends you are able to make, your skill at schoolwork, and how physically attractive you are. If you honestly find a way to have a good time without having something to offer in at least one of the three areas listed, you should record it so future generations can learn from your wisdom.

So a girl liked you and you said no way because it's confirmed that she puts out? What the forget

She was hot, but I don't want none of that.

It's like middle school but you get to bang chicks.

High School isn't any different than middle school and Junior High depending on what school system you're in. For a lot of people, the only change you get upon entering high school is the ability to swear without teachers caring, and a bit more relaxed, less pole-up-the-ass teachers because they're not dealing with young and obnoxious idiots anymore, they're just dealing with grown up idiots. lol

I thought High School was gonna be great when I first entered it. After a while during freshman year, I realized that it was just the same school. Same cigarettes, new cigarettes, too. The only cool people were the seniors of that year and then before I knew it they were gone. If you're looking forward to high school because you haven't had a good time in middle school, I advise you to prepare yourself for the same results you're getting now, except a little more leniency (okay a lot more) from the teachers and school itself.

High School is the beginning of your independent life, they expect you to act that way. If you forget around in high school, they're not going to stick their noses into your business to force you to stay on the right path. They'll fail you without hesitation; so be mindful of your grades as well.

Personally, I joined Marching Band the very summer before high school and my freshman year's 1st semester went fantastically. We made it to semi-finals but no farther, but that was alright with me. But soon after the season ended, my life gradually plummeted back into a hole and I failed my second semester. The next school-year, as a Sophomore, I started okay, but then our season was quickly ended because of a judge being an idiot and being incorrect in her judgment, so we didn't even make it to semi-finals that season. After that, life just got miserable again, so I decided to leave at the end of the semester because:

1. Same cigarettes, plus new ones (I guess it's just my generation).
2. Nobody grows up in Freshman year. Don't expect change until you're at least a Sophomore.
3. Even if everyone matures and grows older; they're still the same idiots you knew before they grew up, as you are the same idiot to them.

At the beginning of the next Semester, I enrolled in an online school. Failed that because of the school staff being handicapped to understand they messed up my transcript and pretty much put me at risk for graduating late, so I switched to a new one after dropping out for the rest of the year. Now I am here in another online school, going about my life no different than before except the fact that I no longer have to waste my time in a building full of people that I hate.

Here's some examples as to why you may not enjoy High School as much as you think you will:

1. Your friends will probably grow distant from you as they find new ones in a much more vast school that brings together the other local Junior High schools.

2.No, that girl you have been chasing your entire life in school is still not going to like you, sorry.

It's like middle school but you get to bang chicks.

3. No, this isn't true in the slightest. Just a heads up. I mean, unless you get with a bunch of STD harvesting whores, I guess you could. But even then, the chances of you walking into high school and getting to "bang chicks" is highly unlikely. However, you can get closer to whores by hanging out with the druggies at your high school. I used to hang out with some druggies and they always hung around the biggest whores. It was pretty sad to see, really. Still, I wouldn't advise doing any of that. Be respectful of yourself and don't stoop to the arrogant level of loving every bitch you see wearing a slutty outfit to school.








I hope this helps. c:

high school is great

dont be one of those losers waiting for their one true love though. get in there and get some hands on experience with the ladies or you'll be a mile behind when you do eventually land yourself a bird

I can't help but to disagree with you. I waited and I've been in a happy relationship for over 7 official months now. Over a year, if you count the build-up of the relationship. It's well worth the wait. Being a prick and trying to waste your firsts on a bunch of whores won't do you any good when you meet your wife someday and she's wondering if she's the first one to have love with you or some stuff like that.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 05:34:25 AM by Moonstar Akemi »