Author Topic: The Complete Guide to A Blockland Hacking Clique  (Read 28827 times)

Thank you very much. 谢谢
wtf is up with the foreign language?

wtf is up with the foreign language?
some people don't speak English as a main language
it means thank you in chinese

some people don't speak English as a main language
it means thank you in chinese

you're bumping it too
do you know what bumping means?
it was already bumped to the top...

do you know what bumping means? it was already bumped to the top...
a better term would be "not letting it die" or something. bumping still got the message across. not sure why this is a deal

a better term would be "not letting it die" or something. bumping still got the message across. not sure why this is a deal
not really, bumping means to bump it to the top. It WAS already at the top when we were replying

not really, bumping means to bump it to the top. It WAS already at the top when we were replying
So the correct term would be "holding the topic at the first page" or
"not letting it die"

So the correct term would be "holding the topic at the first page" or
Nope, because if the topic is already at the top it makes absolutely no different whether we post or not.

not long ago you guys were bitching about someone bumping it now we're gonna keep it alive by arguing about an incredibly menial opinion on term usage

not long ago you guys were bitching about someone bumping it now we're gonna keep it alive by arguing about an incredibly menial opinion on term usage
then stop posting in it.

the irony gave me hemochromatosis

see acerblock i don't give a stuff about bumping it either either way, it's just ironic that you were bitching about him bumping it for asking a question, and right now your bumping it (or keeping it alive, or not letting die, whatever floats your boat) over something really menial and insignificant lol

just get out pls