I'm pretty sure the better way to have handled it would be to just have removed kalphiter's reporting privileges.
However, since Ephialtes says Kalphiter is a problem user for him, I can understand stepping over the line just to get him to forget off.
yeah its because dumbasses like you sit there and blindly follow corrupt authority
I mean really, can people be anymore stupid
I don't know about this being true, because I can promise you that people post here for enjoyment. And in-order for them to be able to post, they have to follow simple rules. They don't come on this forum to be bossed around.
People wouldn't come here if Ephialtes was actually a bad mod. If people got banned for stupid reasons left and right, then people wouldn't come here.
This is something I learned the hard way, but I'm not following any corrupt online forum government to do so. I'm just following the community rules.
its cool to hate authority.
the younglings here are actually mad at their parents. but they throw thei hate toward an easier target, some guy on the net who is enforcing the very very few easy to follow rules we have.
life is so hard
I would normally scoff at
a post like this and say you're just age discriminating, but you're right.
I've learned its easier to just follow simple rules and enjoy myself.
Kalphiter is jealous of Ephialtes. It started back when RTB was released for retail. I remember it clearly.
Ever since, he's been trying and failing to 1-up Ephialtes.
Tried making his own RTB-ish service.
Tried making Kaphost.
Even copied his avatar out of spite.
There is some deep hate going on right there.