Author Topic: Reporting a moderator for a possible rule violation is a bannable offense  (Read 28748 times)

admin that acts on personal feelings

admin that doesn't attempt to actually reason with a person and make things right

admin that instigates instead of acting on good will

a+ for 0 effort

I think Kalphiter actually has a learning disability. He's been presented with thousands of opportunities to learn that confronting a moderator or administrator is unacceptable behavior from him. He continuously ignores this and continues being a handicap. This is not a loving representative democracy. You don't elect the moderators and admins that govern this forum. You have no say in whether or not they are removed from power. People in power have privilege, police cannot be imprisoned for holding someone in a cell against their will just as Ephialtes cannot be banned for keeping social order by knocking kids into their place. Actually, I'm actually confident enough in his tenure here to believe that he could break every rule consecutively and retain his power. Stop trying.

yeah its because dumbasses like you sit there and blindly follow corrupt authority

I mean really, can people be anymore stupid

yeah its because dumbasses like you sit there and blindly follow corrupt authority

I mean really, can people be anymore stupid
I said it once and I'll say it again: this is not a representative democracy. If you don't want to "blindly follow corrupt authority," you can stop playing Blockland, leave the forums, or do both. There is nothing you can do about it.

or you know we could all stop being so loving submissive

or you know we could all stop being so loving submissive
You do not have a choice in the administration of this forum. If you try to revolt against the power, you will be treated exactly as Kalphiter is. You will be banned repeatedly, have your report privileges revoked, and be made a public mockery. You are seriously just as dumb as Kalphiter.

or you know we could all stop being so loving submissive
And you know you could get loving banned because Badspot doesn't put up with whiny people who act up and attack his administration team and go out of their ways to make his job harder.

yeah its because dumbasses like you sit there and blindly follow corrupt authority

I mean really, can people be anymore stupid
I really hope you don't actually believe that arguing with the moderators on an internet forum is your way of delivering social justice.

which is somehow "harassment" by Ephialtes' definition. That hardly makes any sense.
You stuff on Ephialtes and RTB every loving chance you get. This is constant from you. Of course it's harassment.

Thank you. loving owned.

User was banned for this post
about time.

I think if people understood how much this guy follows me around trying to stuff on me or just straight up harass me they'd probably understand how much I am restraining myself and how badly he deserves what he's getting.
This. Months ago when I started seeing Kalphiter and Ephialtes drama, I thought it was only once in awhile Kalphiter would talk stuff, but it goes on loving forever. Kalphiter is a sperglord who will never understand what the word harassment means and will continue to try cutting down ephi's tree with a plastic broken axe.

Badspot has told Kalphiter to stop interacting with Ephialtes, yet Kalphiter continues to do so. Badspot should just make it an executive order like he did with Lord Tony.
YES. It should be that if Kalphiter ever talks about RTB or Ephialtes he should get banned. The only time he does is when he wants to stuff all over both anyways.

And you know you could get loving banned because Badspot doesn't put up with whiny people who act up and attack his administration team and go out of their ways to make his job harder.
so pointing out a flaw makes someone's job 10x harder

lol wow, that makes so much sense

Okay Pacnet, I'm going to go over this real slow with as much detail as possible. You have absolutely no place in this community. Not even a little bit. From my experience in watching your failed attempts at getting a rise out of the community, you are a disruptive, immature social reject and you use this forum almost exclusively to rip on those who are much more important, successful and intelligent than yourself.

You have absolutely no idea what a moderator does to keep this forum safe for browsing, for me and for you. Strutting your perky little round ass in this thread, stacking some boxes up and standing on them does not make you high and mighty. It makes you pathetic. You're feigning superiority when in reality you're worth less than the stuff I accidentally stepped on when I was walking through the street. You have ab-so-lutely no right talking stuff about breaking rules when you spammed the RTB service and literally begged to be banned, to the point of spamming over add-ons and personally asking me repeated times to ban you. This is the mentality of somebody who literally cannot function in society and somebody who needs to be put inside of a box and thrown into the ocean.

See, when banned users all circlejerk in a thread like this, they scrape the barrel for whatever week-old feces they can throw until the thread and themselves are covered in it. Especially when it's about Ephialtes. Here is my advice to you. Start thinking and responding like a normal user of these forums and then maybe you'll be treated like one. Same goes for Kalphiter. Acting like scum will mean you get treated by scum. Respect those who clearly have more power than yourself. Shockingly, yes - there ARE rules on this forum which funnily enough also apply to both you and Kalphiter. You are not exempt from a routine ass-kicking. You can post your stuffty jaded opinion which you clearly wrote after skipping the entire argument. Nobody will do anything more than laugh at it.

someone should make a youtube montage of kaph and ephi fighting
like play all the posts in order with a microsoft sam voice or something while they flash on the screen

I'm pretty sure the better way to have handled it would be to just have removed kalphiter's reporting privileges.

However, since Ephialtes says Kalphiter is a problem user for him, I can understand stepping over the line just to get him to forget off.

yeah its because dumbasses like you sit there and blindly follow corrupt authority

I mean really, can people be anymore stupid

I don't know about this being true, because I can promise you that people post here for enjoyment. And in-order for them to be able to post, they have to follow simple rules. They don't come on this forum to be bossed around.

People wouldn't come here if Ephialtes was actually a bad mod. If people got banned for stupid reasons left and right, then people wouldn't come here.

This is something I learned the hard way, but I'm not following any corrupt online forum government to do so. I'm just following the community rules.

its cool to hate authority.

the younglings here are actually mad at their parents. but they throw thei hate toward an easier target, some guy on the net who is enforcing the very very few easy to follow rules we have.

life is so hard
I would normally scoff at a post like this and say you're just age discriminating, but you're right.
I've learned its easier to just follow simple rules and enjoy myself.

Kalphiter is jealous of Ephialtes. It started back when RTB was released for retail. I remember it clearly.

Ever since, he's been trying and failing to 1-up Ephialtes.

Tried making his own RTB-ish service.
Tried making Kaphost.
Even copied his avatar out of spite.

There is some deep hate going on right there.

I'd agree if I had evidence of ephi being a humble mod

pretty much ever since I joined bl back in v8 on my 3630 id, I've only seen him be a total pompous starfish