Author Topic: Blockland Video - JailRPs in a nutshell  (Read 3794 times)

its good but

the blockhead should have stood up before being shot

that way cops always have the excuse "I THOUGHT HE WAS COMING AT ME"

Its funny because its just jail rp and this implies this is how jail normally works where everyone tries to escape. I would like to see an actual jail rp where there is a town that a bunch of convicts have to run around trying to steal as much money as possible and then there are the cops who have to get all the players into jail and keep them there while those people in jail can try to escape through said styles. Convicts could also try to break out other convicts with the items they have. People go in, people come out. Dividing the task force of what is more important is up to the players, that would be fun.
Or simply put cops and robbers mixed with a jail escape rp.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 11:59:19 AM by Bester Bageler »

Or someone could make a Hard Time ( gamemode. I would definitely play that!

or someone could make a game where prisoners are in their cells.
guards cannot enter.
prisoners have to escape through any means, without guards seeing them beyond their cell.
if a guard sees them out of their cell, bang.
guards shoot all prisoners on sight.

we could just make a game where people sit in a box and get set on fire and killed, over and over and over. We could call it Jail RP -- simplified.

we could just make a game where people sit in a box and get set on fire and killed, over and over and over. We could call it Jail RP -- simplified.
nope, just give all the cops RYNO Vs and jumpguns while the the prisoners cannot escape at all

Jail RP's are the scum of all blockland servers lol..  This video is very accurate but it's lacking a different cop getting banned unjustly because the prisoner started a votekick

Jail RP's are the scum of all blockland servers lol..  This video is very accurate but it's lacking a different cop getting banned unjustly because the prisoner started a votekick
the prisoner accidently votekicked another cop?

the prisoner accidently votekicked another cop?
No, whiny prisoners votekick pretty much anyone who kills them, even if there was a completely good reason.  I've seen plenty of cops who were just following the rules get votekicked out of a server because some whiny prisoner got caught.  And whenever a votekick gets called most of the server votes yes anyways.. Even if they have no idea what happened.

Oh God

No please


The idea of enforcing basic gameplay rules by banning people is silly.  Why not just remove guns and have everyone shout "I SHOT YOU" "NO YOU DIDN'T!!"

but they already do that