Author Topic: What is your opinion on game leaks?  (Read 2319 times)

With GTA V coming out in a few days, many people are acquiring pirated copies and revealing a lot of stuff about the game. Personally, I don't like it. The developer should tell us what they want us to know about the game, rather than the consumer tell us everything about it.

Of course there are those people who like to see the gameplay early and find out if what they're spending money on is really worth it.

So what side are you on? Do you prefer to know everything about the game before it comes out, or do you prefer to hold on until the game is released?

it's like opening Christmas presents early and then wrapping it up again

you're only cheating yourself

I think things like open betas are nice, they don't show all of the features of a product but allow the consumer to get a feel for the games atmosphere.

When a company just flat out says, hey you'll only hear about the game when we feel like telling you, leaks are going to happen, and sometimes those leaks can ruin storylines or other parts of the game.

I don't like leaks, it takes away from the games initial release, however companies shouldn't just make us sit it out and wait after they publicly announce the game a year before release.

If they want it to be a secret, they should wait until a month before it's going to release before advertising or announcing it

If they don't, they should release betas or tech demos

It's really obnoxious, like the whole GTAV thread right now.

I hate leaks because the whole point of a NEW game is you don't know anything about it and it's all NEW to you. It's tempting though.

im fine with freeroam because its just showing me some stupid stuff i can do ingame that i'd only figure out way later
and idk as long as its not story and its a freeroam game im cool with it

its fine until people start acting like cigarettes and smear it all over the game thread (aka shell in the gta v thread)

Of course there are those people who like to see the gameplay early and find out if what they're spending money on is really worth it.
I agree with this point in that it is good to know what you're getting before you purchase it.

But I don't think leaks are a proper or fair way to do that.

If you pre-order a game before any full game-play footage is out, then you have to take the risk of having paid for a game that might not be good.
If you want to find out what the game is like before you purchase it, then do not preorder it and do not buy it on the day of release.

You either take the advertisers word for the game's quality and purchase it immediately (or preorder), or you take a little time after the game has released to read reviews and watch videos reviews and Let's Plays and then you decide to buy the game or not.

Getting a copy early, by whatever means, and then broadcasting any info from it is just massively unfair to both the developers of the game, who have put a lot of work into advertising and creating the game and putting on a big show to it's fans, and to the gamers who are going to buy the game at release and want to experience a new game and all it has to offer by themselves.

I'm happy when a developer released tidbits telling me what their new features are and their progress. I don't want people to give away everything else before I've had a fair and proper chance to purchase and play the game myself.

People seem to think the Game Media is different, but it's no different than books or film.
You'd be happy to see a trailer or preview-chapter from a film or book, but you'd be pissed off if someone came along and gave away the entire plot and everything interesting/new prior to it's release.

Leaks happen.
If stuff gets leaked that's the company's fault. It's not unfair by the consumer to see these leaks should they occur.
People who wave their leaked games around like a burning snake need to be shot.

im fine with watching leaked gameplay. nothing about missions though.

cuz what the hell. if its fun to watch i'll watch it. if i got a game early i wouldn't leak it though.

Leaks happen.
If stuff gets leaked that's the company's fault. It's not unfair by the consumer to see these leaks should they occur.
People who wave their leaked games around like a burning snake need to be shot.
like a burning snake

amazing choice of words

plenty of games don't get leaked.  it's on the developer to make sure it's not leaked.  if it's something like a few days early, no biggie i guess.  if it's like crysis 2 and gets leaked months before its release, wow lol.

I only watch leaks because it's fun to see what the game is like. I have waited for two loving years on this game, I am allowed to watch some god damn videos of leaked content.

like a burning snake

amazing choice of words
If your snake was on fire would you keep it in your pants?
...well probably since it'd snuff out the flame I guess.

If your snake was on fire would you keep it in your pants?
...well probably since it'd snuff out the flame I guess.
all the bitches would be mad wet if my schlong was out, i wouldnt even have to ask for someone to put it out B)