Author Topic: Tornado Chasers! Map in the making... (Tornado Mod)  (Read 5908 times)

Bippity Boop! more updates~

You love this mod so much
You have to post a screenshot of Every loving thing you make on Steam.

Stop loving making Gmod topics, you can always make a Gmod megathread if there isnt one already

But seriously.... doesn't this belong in games?
It would get an audiance of people who will be interested, not the usual Off-Topic crowd.
Okay, Johnny. Stop.

You're not cool.

im just going to go metro last light surface scenario garrys hometown so maxx can stop with this stuff

Stop loving making Gmod topics, you can always make a Gmod megathread if there isnt one already
this topic has been here
stop crying

how long did it take you to make just that pile of brushes.

how long did it take you to make just that pile of brushes.
pile of brushes?

wait i get what your saying
thats the base of the gas station your seeing
teejays working on it right now
so far the map is basically a quarter through development, its not that big of a map, but still awesome

i know what you're talking about i've been a mapper for years but i'm wondering how long it took.

i know what you're talking about i've been a mapper for years but i'm wondering how long it took.
its not taking that long
teejay started at about 11:25 or something and has quite a bit of progress.

teejay is getting done on the gas station really well

Gas station update once again!

i hope to hell that's temporary to be honest.

its not taking that long
teejay started at about 11:25 or something and has quite a bit of progress.

teejay is getting done on the gas station really well
Gas station update once again!

cough cough there's a modify button cough cough

i hope to hell that's temporary to be honest.
the map isnt supposed to be THAT great.
i mean, we're not going all star major ass map making here.
just a neighborhood type map we can use tornado mod in.

gas station finished