Soft shadows

Author Topic: Soft shadows  (Read 86970 times)

There was a time right when shaders came out that shadows were softer. Right? I have screenshots of it...
Was it removed to optimize them for slower computers?

This is a fantastic idea

the shadows don't look that great in my opinion, if the shadows are soft and the corners on objects are sudden, then it won't look right... it's too soft for my liking basically

It'd look much better if I would make the shadow blurring intensity vary as it would realistically do (would require the shadow map to provide the distance to the object shadowing the point - which it doesn't).

ya i thought thats what the shadows and shaders were supposed to look like but then badspot released them and i was disappointed. i think this would be awesome

my spelling has been getting really bad lately.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2013, 02:42:49 PM by GhostStar »

Yeah, I thought that's what the shadows and shaders were supposed to look like but then badspot released them and I was disappointed. I think this would be awesome

What does insulting someones grammar have to do with anything

What does insulting someones grammar have to do with anything
he is probably mad at me

if you cant do it by a addon or those problems
how did you get them to work then :U

if you cant do it by a addon or those problems
how did you get them to work then :U

  • you'd have to replace it and re-apply your shader settings every time you start Blockland.
  • you'd have to edit the file itself and do the above to change any settings for it.

can you just upload the glsl file so we can see it pls

Can you at least upload tghe .glsl files ple-
can you just upload the glsl file so we can see it pls

pls do

can you just upload the glsl file so we can see it pls
port refuses to do this

Is there no way to "force" blockland to notice the shader folder?

Is there no way to "force" blockland to notice the shader folder?