Author Topic: Soft shadows  (Read 87710 times)

Stop worshipping Port because he has knowledge of something. Like Zeblote says it's absolutely useless unless he actually does something with it.

he has too big of self confidence to release it, therefore basically showing off and advertising stuff he isnt releasing.

Funny how most the people complaining he's not releasing it probably don't even have the computer to run it.

Port can do whatever the hell he wants with it. It's not the community's choice whether he should release it or not.

Funny how most the people complaining he's not releasing it probably don't even have the computer to run it.

Port can do whatever the hell he wants with it. It's not the community's choice whether he should release it or not.
Then he shouldn't make a bragging thread about it.

Then he shouldn't make a bragging thread about it.
my god you're a loving idiot sometimes zeblote lol

port, why couldn't you just make a python script that copies the stuff
python, shell script, bash script, you've got every os and it's mother covered. just have it copy the stuff. have players open blockand, then run the script after. ta da it's done.

List of reasons why I'm not releasing it this exact moment:

  • There are still a ton of bugs.
  • 98%+ of people wouldn't be able to run it decently even with just 3 blur distance samples per point in each direction.
  • There isn't a good way to package it.

List of reasons why I'm not releasing the files this exact moment:

  • There are still a ton of bugs.
  • 98%+ of people wouldn't be able to run it decently even with just 3 blur distance samples per point in each direction.
  • Some people would probably try to make a poorly done edit and try to package it in some weird way that doesn't even work.

I'll release the modified version of renderCsm_frag.glsl later anyway - just don't mind the bugs ;)

The reasons are so important that he listed them twice! But seriously, I agree with plex here

Zeb stop being such a pain. Your argument makes the whole gallery forum useless.

just don't mind the bugs ;)
I'm curious, what exactly are the bugs?

Zeb stop being such a pain. Your argument makes the whole gallery forum useless.
But I want fancy shaders so bad

But I want fancy shaders so bad
Well bitching and moaning and calling the creater an attention whore isn't going to get it released any faster.

i don't see how you could even think this isn't attention whoring

i don't see how you could even think this isn't attention whoring
99% of gallery posts don't include the saves
are they called attention whoring??

ok port just showed us that its possible to edit the shaders to look better
and suddenly everyone is loving hating him for it??
he clearly stated that they are not ready for release
he probably had to do some hacky stuff to get them to work
if he released the files it will 100% will not work for every user