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Author Topic: !?!Instance!?! [Main Topic] - "Dedicated server is Down; New Map Added!"  (Read 7533 times)

The lag was actually not too bad in my opinion.
I only noticed a tiny bit of lag sometimes, which really was nothing.
As for balance, the dual SMG's were maybe a bit too much power.
Almost unkillable sometimes because of the bullet spam that comes out of them. :P

But still, pretty well balanced so far.

Looks pretty original and fun.

The lag was actually not too bad in my opinion.
I only noticed a tiny bit of lag sometimes, which really was nothing.
As for balance, the dual SMG's were maybe a bit too much power.
Almost unkillable sometimes because of the bullet spam that comes out of them. :P

But still, pretty well balanced so far.
Yeah. The 'dual SMGs' are more of a newbie weapon. Considering how low ammo it is; it's more for people who get a kill and then die; however for people that can aim and dodge: it will prove to be a less effective weapon, as they will be running out of ammo too quick.

Though I'm thinking more ammo to start with for all non-explosives is in order.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 11:31:36 AM by Deadzone »

Is the server gonna be up today?

This looks amazing, I can't wait to play.

Posted update picture to the OP, many bugs have been fixed; and lags reduced.
Gonna be a good time tomorrow. c:

Original was amazing, can't wait to play new version!

Server is up; still working on the new map though, should be done by the end of this weekend.

Man, I wish more people were on this server, it looks really fun.

(insert DoF megashots here because I'm a lazy piece of stuff that's gonna delay)

(insert DoF megashots here because I'm a lazy piece of stuff that's gonna delay)
You may want to wait until the new map comes out to release megashots: it's gonna be lovey.

You may want to wait until the new map comes out to release megashots: it's gonna be lovey.
New map is out; weapons have been re-balanced, and new tutorial menu.

I can tell you spent the majority of your time designing an over complicated class building system that no one is going to spend 15 minutes to understand before playing. A DM should be easy to get into, and maybe have a bit of learning of the weapon balance while playing.

Even after going through your tutorial room for 4 minutes I still was left kinda confused.
Also you have youtube videos explaining how to play pick a class? It shouldn't be this complicated. There is no excuse for it. It's just bigotry to assume that people need to rent a book series to figure out how to play your DM.
One of the most anti-user friendly systems I've ever seen.
I've seen class systems with way more customization that are more user friendly. (Tezuni's class customization is a good example)

Your maps are pretty to look at, but lack real design.
The one I played on was a bunch of solid color cubes with TRON-esque borders around each one.
And since you basically force players to play with shaders off, you can't tell the edge from the middle of each platform. It might be all fine and dandy for you, calling other players bad because your map design was rushed. That's totally fine. Just don't expect too many people to be staying on your server.

And trust me, I'm not bad at DMs. I've been playing FPS games for years. Listening to you gripe at me for not having aim was the silliest most aggravating thing this week.
I'm pissed off because instead of trying to take some constructive criticism, you did what most people do and just brush it off and call me bad. That's why I was getting pissed.

Also, you never seemed to die. We fought face to face 3 times before you died once. Exchanging bullets/projectiles at almost a 1:1 ratio.
Yes I'm aware of the healing cube. I don't suspect you of cheating. This is just an observation I made while playing for the 25 minutes that I did. I could have stayed longer if it weren't for how unfun it was.

I hate to say it, but there's a reason why people play on Tezuni's DM servers. Because they're fun. And this, was hardly fun at all.
And trust me, I'm not a tezuni fan boy. If you've been here long enough, you would remember how much Tezuni would stuff on my topics.

Am I mad? Yes. I'm furious that a fellow DM enthusiast called me bad.
I might not be better than you, but what I played was a abomination

Also, players with 1000 hp health pools is a bad idea..
« Last Edit: October 10, 2013, 03:55:55 AM by Pandan »

I made videos and tutorials because people kept asking me how it works; and I got tired of explaining it. This isn't the first time I've hosted this DM.
Also; you missed out on two of the maps: http://i858.photobucket.com/albums/ab149/Zonedead/Blockland_00034_zpseef412ad.png

Tezuni makes simpler servers than I do, which is easily accessible to all players of different groups. Unfortunately I'm targeting this at players who want to get better.

I could have made players with a pool of 100 hp but really weak weapons. Again; trying to emulate quake-like shooters.

I didn't realize my death match would be such an enigma. Though I don't think it's for you.
pics related:

Not even for bragging rights, but most people that play on my server seem to understand it very well. Whether or not they enjoy it(and most of them do) isn't what I'm getting at.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2013, 04:03:13 AM by Deadzone »