Author Topic: Anyone here smoke?  (Read 4221 times)

I'm not old enough to smoke, and I probably never will. I will start drinking when I'm legal.

Smoke all the things and burn those lungs

I don't care if people smoke cigarettes, I personally think they're disgusting. The thing that gets to me though is when it becomes a nuisance.
if it's a nuisance then you obviously care

either way, it is loving disgusting and smells horrible

smokers smell gross. and they're lame.

i was in a car with my five year old cousin once, and this guy's car broke down so he needed a ride. it wasn't far, but we let him in. once we start driving this cunt lights up a cigarette and starts swearing saying stuff like "ay i really loving appreciate this stuff man" even when this piece of stuff sees the kid in the car. 

long story short he had to get out of the car and walk

youre a idiot for starting the addiction in the first place
and how are you not an idiot for ruining your health everyday?
"its an addiction" so what? nice excuse for getting cancer
tell your dad to stop smoking otherwise hes really forgeted and needs help or something

Funny seeing as 40 years ago no one knew cigarettes were bad for you.

And an addiction is an addiction, you don't just snap your fingers and stop.

See meth addicts if you don't believe cancer isn't a huge deal in an addicts eyes.

weed a couple of times yeah

tons of people have quit cold turkey. its about as easy as it sounds.

it takes a really weak minded person with no self respect and no priorities to claim they are to addicted to quit lol

Funny seeing as 40 years ago no one knew cigarettes were bad for you.
A bit longer than that.

I always cough a little when I get closer to someone who smokes, not sure why, atleast that makes me completely avoid smoking anything and I feel bad for anyone who does
« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 12:21:09 AM by Filipe »

I am allergic to smoking, I cough everytime I get closer to someone who smoke

is this a joke post

im really hoping it is

I don't smoke anything frequently but if someone offers me a cigarette I'll smoke one with them. If by some abomination of brain chemistry I became addicted to nicotine from one cigarette over a month span, I'd buy an e-cig to curb the cravings. You people act like smoking a single cigarette will either directly cancerize your lungs or automatically addict you into forcing you to get cancer. The pictures of smokers' lungs are the outliers of chain smokers, saying you don't want to smoke because you don't want to get cancer is like saying you don't eat because you don't want to get so obese you can't leave your room. A donut isn't going to make you obese, and a cigarette isn't going to give you cancer.

Smoked some nicotine free e cigs cause I'm hard core like that. They come in some very delicious flavors

Not really a habit but the occasional stoge is alright

I feel sorry for people who are lured into smoking (cigarettes I mean), but you know on TV you are told so much about the health risks and people still are smoking. It seems like people only stop when they get cancer or another life-threatening condition because of the smoking.

My dad says he won't quit because he claims it's his only vice and says he likes it.
Maybe another part of addiction is just not giving a stuff?