Author Topic: CSS and CS:GO mouse sensitivity are different  (Read 6421 times)

When I practice, I usually join a DM server. However, they all have the same damn problem; people spawn in random locations, meaning that pretty much all of my deaths are caused by spawning right infront of someones crosshair. Are there any TDM gamemodes where the terrorists spawn in the terrorist side, and the CT's spawn in their starting location?

I've been playing lots of counter-strike source, and want to have the same mouse sensitivity in GO. However when i set it to my value of 1.2, it just doesn't feel the same. Pretty sure it's slightly higher. Is there a calculator anywhere which converts the CSS sensitivity to CS:GO sensitivity? Or is it just my mouse?
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 05:53:10 PM by D3ATH LORD »

Nope. That's called a really awful TDM. Those happened in source and the only thing that ever happened was camping and eventually spawn camping.

could you suggest some maps where DMing would be not so much based on who spawned infront of you?

same stuff happened in battlefield tdm a couple times

Make sure mouse acceleration is off, and also check to make sure you aren't in "couch mode" (apparently it changes the FOV and such, which can make your mouse movement feel different)

also vsync off, sometimes it can cause mouse lag

fov to 90

also vsync off, sometimes it can cause mouse lag

fov to 90

I thought you cant change FOV in CS...

I don't know if someone has made a calculator, but I think it's a known issue that sensitivity values are different.  Maybe try raw mouse input though, I would think those would be the same.