Author Topic: qwepir + carolcat had robot love  (Read 11646 times)

the pregnensy
oh yeah that
we're having robot babies and i forgot to tell you guys sorry

i'd be so tempted to make a magazine cover of that but unfortunately pictures of qwepir just simply don't exist on the internet
there was one of him in some costume but his face was unshown

there was one of him in some costume but his face was unshown
an imperial guard outfit, yeah
hes got a handsome face tho i'll tell u that

an imperial guard outfit, yeah
hes got a handsome face tho i'll tell u that
why doesn't he show it?

no mortal can behold it
so did seeing it cause carol to transcend the mortal plane, or was she never mortal to begin with?

im pretty out-of-the-loop these days but im decently sure carol isn't human and therefor can look upon the face without destruction of the soul

why doesn't he show it?
bc he'd rather not post it online, especially not these forums

so did seeing it cause carol to transcend the mortal plane, or was she never mortal to begin with?
i was always a robot

im pretty out-of-the-loop these days but im decently sure carol isn't human and therefor can look upon the face without destruction of the soul
if by "destruction of the soul" you mean "so handsome you'd melt" then yeah

robots are still mortal
ok nvm apparently mortality only applies to humans

the flesh is weak

robots are still mortal
ok nvm apparently mortality only applies to humans
i live for millions of years that totes means i'm immortal

Qwep has a nice face yah

Too good for the forums tho