Author Topic: Kid in my town hung himself last night due to bullying  (Read 5154 times)

Pretty bummed, didn't know him too well but he was funny when he rode on my bus. Last night he finally had enough of bullying he got from cheerleaders and football players and hung himself, died this morning. Kind've strange to see this happening in my town, but anything can happen.

Forgot to add, he was on life support I believe and died this morning eitherway. The Self Delete attempt occured last night though.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 07:04:01 PM by iAmburnJ »

idk where all this bullying takes place cuz like, i was a cheerleader for 2 years and i knew a lot of the 'bullies' but they always went for the kids who deserved it.

why would you bully a handicapped kid ):

You mean he hung himself because of himself

You mean he hung himself because of himself

I meant he hung himself due to all the bullying he received, which is strange because I thought people in my town knew better.

It's another death topic. Wheres Bisjac?

Jeez, thats heavy man. Are the people who bullied him getting punished for it?

It's another death topic. Wheres Bisjac?

don't summon him

It's another death topic. Wheres Bisjac?

Jeez, thats heavy man. Are the people who bullied him getting punished for it?

Yeah. This was posted on a resident's facebook, meaning an investigation and a huge bullying campaign is being launched here.

"Please look into the story of Maxwell Thomas Webb, of Independence, Kansas. Max was the 16 year old son of William Zachary Webb & Dee Webb who committed Self Delete yesterday by hanging himself. This desperate act was in response to a well-documented history of bullying by classmates at the high school in Independence. Max's parents have staged a very public campaign with USD#446 regarding the school taking such a passive approach to the bullying that Max and several other students in the district have endured. You can view an history of the Webb's attempts to gain the school board's attention regarding this matter via (Independence, Kansas forum) I believe there are at least 2 threads regarding this situation: one was started yesterday regarding a "Hanging" and there is an older thread regarding Mr. Webb's public address to the USD #446 School Board during a monthly board meeting. I know both Mr. & Mrs. Webb will be supportive of me posting this on your website.
We are losing too many of our most promising youth to bullying. We cannot afford to stand silently because it doesn't affect our own child personally or to continue to chalk it up to a rite of passage we expect our children quietly endure!!!!
Please, I'm begging of you to help get this matter the attention it do desperately deserves."

Bullying in any way, shape, or form is NOT okay in my book. I don't take stuff from people anymore either, I realized what it's like holding all your feelings in like that.

People are way too loving cruel

Also schools/teachers don't even care untill its too late, i loving hate when stuff like this happens

There are two things to do when bullied.

  • Stand up for yourself
  • Kill yourself

It's his decision what to do, the one he chose is pretty obvious.

That's too bad. I only wish someone could have got to him and made a change before he did it.

People are way too loving cruel

Also schools/teachers don't even care untill its too late, i loving hate when stuff like this happens

I don't think any teachers knew, he just bottled it up. He was one of those "make anybody laugh even when sad" people so it's so sad people had to bully somebody slightly disabled and such a nice person.