masslead is absolute garbage at hosting
Masslead dies from his stuffty hosting skills
i think that's the pointhow good of a job can maxx do at making fun of masslead?find out at 11.
I'd like to see blockman02 or sophia
Maxx enters the Randomizer DM With Ben, Professor Blackberry(Me), Xenomorph, and TheKid
and Major.Gregory. He is the lucky one in there as he always gets homing rockets, sentries, spammer rockets, and other very OP weapons
Maxx starts Pwning Major Gregory with his experience, and Greg loses his luck since he broke a mirror, spilt salt and walked under a ladder while trying to kill Maxx
Once I did it, I went up to Blackberry and killed him with a cactus sword.lolfittinggifaboutkillin'pplwithcactuses
Once I did it, I went up to Blackberry and killed him with a cactus sword.