Author Topic: Aoki - Distributing CityRPG with a backdoor, Super admin on all servers using it  (Read 35645 times)

So that means if I made a mod with your ID, then you would be banned? Think Jetz! think! and read the server.cs...
See, that's where all this self-damning comes into play. You could have avoided the topic or simply denied it, and you might have gotten away with it, but no, you charge right in and say "Yep, I put my ID in this backdoor command. It was a funny joke guys, haha, and I got rid of it in a later version anyway. Cool? Cool. Oh by the way I also abuse eval."

See, that's where all this self-damning comes into play. You could have avoided the topic or simply denied it, and you might have gotten away with it, but no, you charge right in and say "Yep, I put my ID in this backdoor command. It was a funny joke guys, haha, and I got rid of it in a later version anyway. Cool? Cool. Oh by the way I also abuse eval."

Then I would have lied Jetz, lieing is wrong, and it was such a funny joke I'm still laughing at it, as even you are starting to think I'm a "master hacker"!

Then I would have lied Jetz, lieing is wrong, and it was such a funny joke I'm still laughing at it, as even you are starting to think I'm a "master hacker"!
I doubt Jetz thinks that at all

Then I would have lied Jetz, lieing is wrong, and it was such a funny joke I'm still laughing at it, as even you are starting to think I'm a "master hacker"!
Go ahead and underestimate the administry in the few hours you'll have on the forum.

Go ahead and underestimate the administry in the few hours you'll have on the forum.

Yeah, that's a pretty good plan, but what happens when you get banned- oh wait your talking about me! xD I'm not underestimating anything, well except the validity of this drama topic.

I doubt Jetz thinks that at all

If he didn't think I was a hacker, then what was this drama all about? me NOT being a hacker?

Then I would have lied Jetz, lieing is wrong, and it was such a funny joke I'm still laughing at it, as even you are starting to think I'm a "master hacker"!
Honestly I think you're a script kiddie who made a few tweaks to someone else's mod including plugging your own ID into their admin backdoor and got a friend to handle anything that got too confusing for you, but the exact process and what I think of you are pretty irrelevant here.

If you wanted to avoid lying, you could have steered clear of the topic. Pecon was right to publicly humiliate you with this thread, though at least we can agree it was probably unnecessary.

Honestly I think you're a script kiddie who made a few tweaks to someone else's mod including plugging your own ID into their admin backdoor and got a friend to handle anything that got too confusing for you, but the exact process and what I think of you are pretty irrelevant here.

If you wanted to avoid lying, you could have steered clear of the topic. Pecon was right to publicly humiliate you with this thread, though at least we can agree it was probably unnecessary.

I'm a script kiddie, for sure. I did make a few tweaks to someone else's mod (yes including the backdoor, but honestly I never got that to work, I got SA for giving them the mod, or helping them build the server) I did get a lot of people to help me script, including Outpact, I probably should have stayed out of this, but I started to think of it as a joke (the first page is nearly all people saying goodbye) all in all, I probably should have removed the damn servercmd on sight, as well as kept the mod private. I also believe I didn't take Outpact's server serious enough, as the build is obvious spam(stolen from V) and the mod was incomplete (yeah that's right, I wasn't done) I'd like to apologize to everyone reading my past posts, I was acting like a child (I still probably am :c) again I'm sorry for being a complete noob, I'll take out all my abusive changes to the mod and re-send it to Outpact, though I would like to request Pecon to remove the link to the mod, as it is not something I want to see come up in the server list (6 times) anymore.

though I would like to request Pecon to remove the link to the mod, as it is not something I want to see come up in the server list (6 times) anymore.
He can't edit his post. It's a drama thread. he can delete the mirror but unless you can get rid of the mediafire one, the link is staying. Not that I believe he'd really want to remove the link.

Maybe if you ask really nicely, he'll CRC-fail the add-on after he deactivates your key.

He can't edit his post. It's a drama thread. he can delete the mirror but unless you can get rid of the mediafire one, the link is staying. Not that I believe he'd really want to remove the link.

Maybe if you ask really nicely, he'll CRC-fail the add-on after he deactivates your key.
Noedit: Second sentence refers to Badspot, not Pecon.

Noedit: Second sentence refers to Badspot, not Pecon.

crc-FAILING is a fabulous Idea, though I'm pretty sure my Key is safe, servercmds in a private mod arn't really "hacking" xD

crc-FAILING is a fabulous Idea, though I'm pretty sure my Key is safe, servercmds in a private mod arn't really "hacking" xD
Your key won't be safe if you do stupid things like this.

crc-FAILING is a fabulous Idea, though I'm pretty sure my Key is safe, servercmds in a private mod arn't really "hacking" xD
We're talking people who don't read over code and like City RPG mods. If you CRC-fail the mod, odds are, they'll just hack their way around the block with the security risk still there. Sorry, but getting rid of you is the easiest way to eliminate the risk from the backdoor. Plus, it's not exactly an unfitting punishment for putting it there and giving it to people in the first place.

We're talking people who don't read over code and like City RPG mods. If you CRC-fail the mod, odds are, they'll just hack their way around the block with the security risk still there. Sorry, but getting rid of you is the easiest way to eliminate the risk from the backdoor. Plus, it's not exactly an unfitting punishment for putting it there and giving it to people in the first place.

Seems you didn't listen when I said that the back door didn't work... You are starting to sound dumber than ever ME, OOH Wait maybe Iban isn't playing because HE was banned for doing it :O How about you shut up ^v^ .. Please! Again THE BACKDOOR DOESN'T WORK, I had to type that in all caps, because you couldn't hear it. do I need to type it again, or will you shut up?

Your key won't be safe if you do stupid things like this.

I'm not the stupid one, whoever reported it is the stupid one. OP was jealous of me having admin on CityRPG's and needed to find an excuse to drama me for it, he did this in the servercmd I left in the old mod that I gave him, my key is more safe than OP's right now. Outpact has made the mistake of starting his server on the SAME old mod instead of the newest one that I gave him the same day, this one (of course) not having any of the stupid server commands, I suggest you shut the hell up right now.

Most updated (given to outpact)

Explain the chat in this picture