Author Topic: 2013/10/03 - Steam Status (Updated: 2013/12/17)  (Read 207480 times)


  • Administrator
How come you don't give Steam users an actual Blockland key?

If I gave them a key, they'd have to copy and paste it into the game which would be a point of failure.  They'd also get that annoying popup every time they start the game.  Also they'd be able to give the key on the internet and ruin themselves.  With with steam based authentication, it's a much smoother experience, you just run the game.  Also it allows for time limited trials and free weekends in the future. 

Is it possible for you to give keys to those who request them? I can see a few people complaining in the future because they want to play blockland without steam because other people can.

are you gonna let them log in with steam to use the forum? if yes, then everyone could do that, too, right? and would there be some indication of their steam name or whatever on their profile or would that part be left out
Is it possible for you to give keys to those who request them? I can see a few people complaining in the future because they want to play blockland without steam because other people can.
you can still buy keys from the website
oh you meant. okay. nvm

Ah, that makes sense.

Is it possible for you to give keys to those who request them? I can see a few people complaining in the future because they want to play blockland without steam because other people can.

Maybe make a Steam => Key generator?

Assuming it's just going to be a wonky integration of Steam's "sign-in via x" thing.

when people who bought off of steam launch blockland, it should give them a special code that they can use to register on the forums.

also there should be descriptions for the achievements. the mythbusters one i would like a desc of
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 10:59:00 PM by mitterdoo »

when people who bought off of steam launch blockland, it should give them a special code that they can use to register on the forums.

That's what I was thinking too.

Maybe change the forums for Steam ID integration? So that people can enter in their Steam ID and it will check if that account owns the game.

won't work, people can just use steam id's that have blockland, like a friend's or even a stranger's

Lol Joltar was saying on heedicalkings server that Badspot wont update blockland anymore because now its on steam. I don't think Badspot would let 9 years of hard work go to waste just because its on steam.

how do you get on RTB when playing on steam blockland

Uh. By using RTB...?

but the shift + tab is used by the steam overlay, so how do i access RTB?

won't work, people can just use steam id's that have blockland, like a friend's or even a stranger's
aren't people already doing this with their friends' keys to make alts

but the shift + tab is used by the steam overlay, so how do i access RTB?
change the RTB overlay key.

I can't find that, the only one under controls is Server Control