Author Topic: Char's Mini-Comics and other art (have you practiced your holy counter today?)  (Read 442982 times)

>"you purchased 5 copies meaning you dont care"
I only buy what has value dah-ling. A $72 dollar ref sheet that is only something to stare at is not worth $72. I'd rather buy RCT world than waste money on a ref sheet.
really doesn't come across that you see value in a forum account if you act like an idiot on it and get banned in the span of months

and you say furries waste money, sheesh

maybe he's a closet furry you don't know his life

>"you purchased 5 copies meaning you dont care"
I only buy what has value dah-ling. A $72 dollar ref sheet that is only something to stare at is not worth $72. I'd rather buy RCT world than waste money on a ref sheet.
you're not worth 72 dollars dollars forgeter get outta here

maybe he's a closet furry you don't know his life
he is, actually

i just want to pick her up and put her in my shirt pocket

commisions are dumb because 1 person pays to have it made but then everyone else can look at it for free

commisions are dumb because 1 person pays to have it made but then everyone else can look at it for free
if it wasn't for that one person who paid, the picture wouldn't exist

might as well say websites are dumb because 1 person pays to host them but everyone looks at them for free

not to mention that making commissions private to the buyer (unless the buyer specifically asks for it to be private) is a dumb idea because commissions also serve as examples of the artist's expected quality
« Last Edit: January 08, 2017, 06:44:36 AM by Glass Joe »

commisions are dumb because 1 person pays to have it made but then everyone else can look at it for free
when you commission an artist, you're paying for a service, which is for that artist to create the requested content in their style. you're not paying to look at something, you're paying for someone to create something new. it's just the same as hiring someone to design a website for you, or to do some code work.

why dont u draw nsfw for commisions anyway? dont those get you like a forget ton of money