Bones4 and Facechild come to Tezuni's to troll. Of course they pick Tezuni's, but they look pretty stupid here.
Here, they join, and Bones4 gets right down to business.
Facechild begins.
Facechild continues.
People react because they are so famous.
They go on about some inside joke, all the while spamming.
I mute Facechild.
People freak out.
Bones4 wants Facechild unmuted.
I respond.
Bones4 asks for a mute.
KfAmped thinks it's funny (most of us did), but then Bones4 starts freekilling.
KfAmped kicks Bones.
We explain what Bones did wrong.
Bones freaks out.
Facechild evades mute and starts doing it all over again.
Bones starts doing it again.
Bones leaves. Facechild rages out music and I kill him, and he leaves too.
I think it's pretty obvious that they were trolling Tezuni's cause it's Tezuni's. It seems pretty low for someone for their social statuses to be doing that. Who can get inb4Bones&Facechild? I imagine they are just waiting for this.