Author Topic: Just joined my High School's cross country team  (Read 1242 times)

I dislike sports. Generally because people overreact to their team losing/the team they were voting for losing. They start riots, hurt other people, and end up getting killed. I just don't want to be a part of a community like that.

EDIT: I like Parkour and Squash though.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 07:40:48 PM by Keith »

okay let me level with you

people make friends through social events. One of the more known; sports.

When you make a bunch of friends and meet a bunch of people you have more of a reputation. More reputation means more bros. More bros means more hos.

so simplified:


but if you don't care about having friends, staying fit or getting hot grills, then by all means dont do any sports.

Wasting time out of the house doing things just to do them.

Wasting time out of the house doing things just to do them.

ok, so sitting at home on the computer is better right?

sure you can meet vast amounts of people but the thing is, they more than likely don't live by you and everyone around you don't know a lick about this person.

whereas if you meet someone in your town, they're actually tangible, and <<<COULD>>> be within a social network with another friend in your area. it goes in circles and circles and circles and circles.

ive done plenty of computer time to know how much life i've wasted and in hindsight should have probably gotten out more. now i dont worry too much about internet and take to the irl for maximum satisfaction

i'm too much of a bitch to run long distance and am gladly doing wrestling instead of winter track

i used to be.
it helped my endurace i guess. i also improved my mile time.

I dislike sports. Generally because people overreact to their team losing/the team they were voting for losing. They start riots, hurt other people, and end up getting killed. I just don't want to be a part of a community like that.

EDIT: I like Parkour and Squash though.
i hope you dont learn this the hard way so i am telling you now:

there are idiots everywhere

My personal record for a 5k is a 20:59

so many bloggers now'a days.