Author Topic: Frozen in time.  (Read 2833 times)

Not really a build, just something I done, took me about and hour to position the bots it'd be better if I knew how to make particles come out the gun without making it fired.

The guy with the gun is made up of 3 bots, one making his arm stick side ways, one to make his head face that direction and one to make the rest of his body.

I don't know but when I saw this I thought of blockland G-mod.

I would never have guessed about the three bots to make one thing! That's immense. "Iz fit", Pickle.

=D I had fun making it so I'm gonna make a bigger one tomorrow.

Make a creepbear one plz. :cookieMonster:  Dressed as my avatar please too.

you can turn the arm? Omg thats awesome my idea is possible!!!

No, you can't turn the arm like that he used 3 bots.

would be cooler if it was a movie

It couldn't be a movie, the 3 bots would be almost impossible to get smoothly and quickly into that position.

The shadows look a little odd, but I like it.

Not as good as the others but ah well, took about 5mins anyway.

Sorry for bad quality.