Author Topic: Hunting Experiences  (Read 5659 times)

I just figured I'd start a topic for you guys to tell your hunting experiences. Please, if you are an anti-hunter person, please do not flame and please just don't read the stories. Ill start.

So a few days ago, I was up in my tree stand deer hunting when I see a 4 pointer at about 50 yards. It is digging really fast like there is something that it needs to get fast just under the ground. Then it stops and sprints at full speed for about 100 yards, comes back, does a circle, runs that same 100 yards, runs right up to me at about 15 yards, then runs away. It was extremely funny and I was trying to stay quiet and not laugh. Please share your hunting experiences!

i killed a fly once

does that count!?!??!?!!?!!?!1/!?/1?

I was hunting for humans yesterday.

If I went hunting I would probably end up feeling bad for the animal and then cry myself to sleep in guilt afterwards

If I went hunting I would probably end up feeling bad for the animal and then cry myself to sleep in guilt afterwards
Kinda my issue.
If I'm ever going to hunt I'll probably actually cook the animal and eat it, and not just hunt for fun.

we've hit a deer before
does that count

Kinda my issue.
If I'm ever going to hunt I'll probably actually cook the animal and eat it, and not just hunt for fun.
well that's good
considering that hunting for sport is illegal in most places

we've hit a deer before
does that count
his face was forever preserved on a slice of bread

my dad really wants me to go hunting because he writes heaps of books and magazenes about it. and, for the last 3 generations, the men on my fathers side have been hunters and making their living from hunting.

but i really dont like it, and it kind of kills me to say it.


I wouldn't want to hunt with the primitive weapons, like bow and arrow, traps, etc.  Guns are more humane in my POV.

im a professional sandwich hunter

my dad really wants me to go hunting because he writes heaps of books and magazenes about it. and, for the last 3 generations, the men on my fathers side have been hunters and making their living from hunting.

but i really dont like it, and it kind of kills me to say it.

are you going to really be the reason why your dad cries himself to sleep every night?
joking of course

are you going to really be the reason why your dad cries himself to sleep every night?
joking of course

lel probably not

atleast a heart attack, though

I've gone hunting a few times, but I haven't for a few years and am going to again this november. I've never got anything, though lol. I don't think I could get myself to do the gutting, I have a weak stomach for gore.