Author Topic: Weapon Balancing/Changing help  (Read 1965 times)

So I've been working with small scripts/script edits and such
and I made these weapons, but I think they might need some editing / balancing
Models from Modern Weapons Pack on rtb

Scatter bullets, 1-2 hit kill if close range
6 shots till reload

Mostly direct bullets, about 34 hits to kill
40 shots till reload

Direct, 1-3 kills to kill
6 shots till reload

Mostly direct, 18-20 hits to kill
28 shots till reload

Mostly direct, 13-14 hits to kill
15 shots till reload

Direct, 1 hit to kill
1 shot till reload

Some people who tested these said that they didn't seem balanced / made right
Is there anything I should change damage/ammo/projectile wise?

jesus christ dude the damage on the automatic weapons is WAAAAY TOO LOW

jesus christ dude the damage on the automatic weapons is WAAAAY TOO LOW
That's why I posted this here
to change it
like telling how much I should change it to.

make the M60 like 4/5 shots

i'm sorry i was just really shocked at "34 hit kill"

I think that damage should be according to ROF and projectile speed, and a little bit of real life
if your MP5 shoots at a realistic 800RPM and has an smg-like projectile then it should probably be like, a 5-8 hit kill, for example
plus it's an smg so typically they're on the lower end of the damage spectrum
also i think you should give the M60 a high ammo capacity to better it as a support-role weapon
« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 08:31:48 PM by AromaniaFTW »

i'm sorry i was just really shocked at "34 hit kill"

I think that damage should be according to ROF and projectile speed, and a little bit of real life
if your MP5 shoots at a realistic 800RPM and has an smg-like projectile then it should probably be like, a 5-8 hit kill, for example
plus it's an smg so typically they're on the lower end of the damage spectrum


You might as well go revolver only with the abysmal damage that the automatic weapons give you.

magnun is op right now, make it take 5 shots to kill
make the sniper do 99 damage not 100+
make the mp5 or whatever it is take 15 bullets to kill
make the lmg hold 100 bullets and take 20 to kill but it has low accuracy
make the pistol take 10 shots to kill

how can you guys percieve balance so badly
20 hits to kill!?
any weapon that takes 20 hits to kill had might as well be a constant laser beam sort of weapon which even then would still be underpowered
plus it really shouldn't take most of the gun's magazine to kill

as a benchmark every weapon should be able to kill in at most 8 shots but should have some sort of 'edge' that allows them to kill extremely fast

for instance a low-end machine gun could kill in 8 shots but also it fires like 6 shots a forgetin second so all you need to do is get within range that those 6 shots would consistently hit despite any spread it might have

a high-end machine gun that kills in 4 shots would still have that same basic pattern of use (killing better when all the bullets hit) but are mechanically stronger so they kill even faster in prime conditions and do better damage in any other situation

the reasoning behind shotguns and snipers doing super high damage in any instance is because they're specifically designed to do better in certain situations but worse in others

so like my shotguns all have concussion blasts that ramp damage up to 1-hit-kills within extremely short range but their actual pellets do enough damage to kill in 2 perfect blasts (which are extremely hard to land outside of short range anyway) making the gap between it's theoretical worst damage output and best damage output way bigger

sniper rifles usually go the all-or-nothing route where if you land a headshot with a rifle it's pretty much confirmed you've gotten the kill and at long range it's way easier to do that full damage unhindered because your targets aren't close enough to retaliate or in some instances even notice you so you can get the jump on them, thus making it easy to attack despite the normally-high cycle time (the period of time between shooting and then shooting again). but in circumstances where the guy is close enough to fight back suddenly snipers are less useful because during your cycle time you have absolutely no forgetin defenses and are super vulnerable to attack because you can't force the guy to dodge with your own covering fire without swapping to another gun

I changed it up a bit
Now pistol is 7-8 hit kill

Sniper has 99 damage

magnum is 4 shot kill

and 34 shots to 8-10

2 shots becuz its mo legit cigarettet

OT: I like these, a lot.

I changed it up a bit
Now pistol is 7-8 hit kill

Sniper has 99 damage

magnum is 4 shot kill

and 34 shots to 8-10

what about 'maximum 8 shots to kill' did you not understand

what about 'maximum 8 shots to kill' did you not understand
This was changed before your post
I put that because it depends on the range