Author Topic: Blockland could not detect any suitable display device after Windows 8.1 update  (Read 4462 times)


I actually didn't even need to change compatibility types. They run perfectly fine without any settings needing changed.

Did your device come preinstalled with Windows 8? In that case, the manufacturer will likely release a newer driver for it soon if not already.
Press Windowskey+R then type in "dxdiag", and enter. Go into display and see what you have.
What video card do you have?
If there's no video card, what CPU do you use?

I'm running Windows 8.1 on both computers and I changed the compatibility type on the Blockland executable and worked for me.
Same error.

Sadly it looks like your hardware is just too old to receive the needed compatibility updated. I'm sorry for you.


Help really needs to have a courtesy edit time.

I updated last night and I did not encounter any issues.

You have a pretty old integrated GPU from ~2009.

well slam me on a table and forget me sideways, i guess i cant play blockland then

could there possibly be some sort of frivolous and convoluted method of making it work

well slam me on a table and forget me sideways, i guess i cant play blockland then

could there possibly be some sort of frivolous and convoluted method of making it work
Install Linux as a dual-boot, install Linux drivers, use WINE to play.

forget, i shouldnt have uninstalled ubuntu

Install Linux as a dual-boot, install Linux drivers, use WINE to play.
...or just buy a new graphics card

...or just buy a new graphics card
I'm like 90% certain this is a laptop, given the current chipset is a mobility series.

I'm like 90% certain this is a laptop, given the current chipset is a mobility series.
ops, didnt notice that

Note to self: don't get windows 8.1
bandwagon, much? i have win8.1 and blockland runs fine.