Author Topic: Blockland could not detect any suitable display device after Windows 8.1 update  (Read 4464 times)

Blockland Display Initialization Failed
Blockland could not detect any suitable display device - Most likely because you do not have the latest drivers installed for your video hardware.

For help on updating your drivers, please visit

This happened after I installed the Windows 8.1 update. Blockland ran fine before, now this message pops up when I try to run the launcher.

I tried following the instructions at that page but they are ridiculously outdated.

The page may be outdated, but it's probably your best bet for finding the issue. Try searching "yourgraphicscardname" "drivers".

Also, you can do winkey+r to open the Run Prompt in Windows 8.

I downloaded the latest beta driver, installed it, restarted, and the same message pops up.

maybe the updated corrupted your blockland installation, try redownloading blockland

i just did, same error

Same problem here... Installing the driver didn't help.

Note to self: don't get windows 8.1

Note to self: don't get windows 8.1

Yeah... Win7 is really the way to go. Less touchscreen and metro looking stuff.

Did your device come preinstalled with Windows 8? In that case, the manufacturer will likely release a newer driver for it soon if not already.

I hope so, these custom drivers are stupid.

Press Windowskey+R then type in "dxdiag", and enter. Go into display and see what you have.

What video card do you have?
If there's no video card, what CPU do you use?

I'm running Windows 8.1 on both computers and I changed the compatibility type on the Blockland executable and worked for me.

I'm running Windows 8.1 on both computers and I changed the compatibility type on the Blockland executable and worked for me.
Same here. This is why I think it's just manufacturer-specific drivers being incompatible.

Shell, maybe you should send them an email telling them to fix their stuff.