
What do you guys think, should I just upload the weapons I mentioned recently?

74 (61.2%)
4 (3.3%)
Just update the stuff!!
15 (12.4%)
*Flip Table*
8 (6.6%)
*Nuke from orbit*
11 (9.1%)
*Scream rabidly*
9 (7.4%)

Total Members Voted: 120

Author Topic: Vulpine Vitality: Midway Sentinel's Add-On Warehouse; Fallout Weapons!! :D  (Read 152566 times)

Has your god damn logo on it.

If I ever use this, I'm gonna rub it out.

Has your god damn logo on it.

If I ever use this, I'm gonna rub it out.

Whatever floats your boat. :P Cause it ain't goin anywhere.

Whatever floats your boat. :P Cause it ain't goin anywhere.

That's sad. Needing to have your logo on a weapon that you didn't even design.
Glad I'm not that self absorbed to need to put my avatar on all my models.

The model looks good as does it's animations.
But branding it like that sickens me to no end.

Also, haven't I condemned you for exactly this before?

Wouldn't mind the logo as much if it didn't look awful

Ya know, the only reason I put it there is cause I don't have that brute symbol, right?? I already had my logo made, so I put it there, redid it to look the part and all. Not my damn fault I don't have all the resources in the world.

just challm down guys

i think the logo makes it look more covananty.

just challm down guys

i think the logo makes it look more covananty.
He could have easily looked up pictures of the symbol on google, it wasn't that hard to find. His looks.. out of place.

And besides, i don't really see why if he could model his symbol onto the weapon he couldn't make the correct symbol.

IMO i don't see why there should be symbols on weapons at all, unless it's a special variant and it's for style.

If he was the one to actually design the thing, I would have no issue aside from the fact that branding
your stuff like that it arrogant as hell. However, he did not design the weapon so him putting his
personal logo on it should raise eyebrows.

You guys ALSO REALIZE I DESIGNED THIS WITH NO INTERNET RIGHT??? >\ I had ONE ref pic, THATS IT. Nothin else. Nor a very clear view of the logo, so I improvised. I just as easily could have not finished it and let it collect virtual dust

You guys ALSO REALIZE I DESIGNED THIS WITH NO INTERNET RIGHT??? >\ I had ONE ref pic, THATS IT. Nothin else. Nor a very clear view of the logo, so I improvised. I just as easily could have not finished it and let it collect virtual dust

You made the model of the weapon.
Not the weapon. Get over yourself.

hey you don't see me putting swastikas on the weapons i make  :cookieMonster:

It doesn't even look like his logo, it looks like an arrow
I honestly don't think it's that big a deal

I don't mind the logo at all.
Such a minor detail can be forgiven and overall, it looks very well done.
Keep it up! :)

And how were we supposed to know this...?

Oh stuff hahahha

I know exactly what that logo looks like right now, after browsing 4chan....

No offense, but please change it