Author Topic: Homoloveuality! Let's discuss.  (Read 16276 times)

It's a minority of the population though
still keeps down the whining pink shriveled things.

has anyone posted that ugandan video yet where they show homoloveuality bedroom activities

has anyone posted that ugandan video yet where they show homoloveuality bedroom activities
he sticks his hand DEEPER

Its funnier when you realize he was showing all those people gay research
all of them were horny

even the women

Its funnier when you realize he was showing all those people gay research
From the way he described it, it was probably german gay research

From the way he described it, it was probably german gay research
no it was probably just really hardcore scat gay research

no it was probably just really hardcore scat gay research

aka germans

aka germans
germans- the world leader in turning up things to eleven.

germans- the world leader in turning up things to eleven.
even their ovens

Thats called a Metroloveual

Metroloveual, homoloveual, heteroloveual, panloveual, biloveual, omniloveual...
There are waaay to many kinds of loveualities here. It seems like every other day there's a new one popping out of nowhere, no offense intended towards anybody

metroloveual isn't a loveual orientation tho


Metroloveual, homoloveual, heteroloveual, panloveual, biloveual, omniloveual...
There are waaay to many kinds of loveualities here. It seems like every other day there's a new one popping out of nowhere, no offense intended towards anybody

This is pretty true

metroloveual isn't a loveual orientation tho
I know

Who in their right minds would want to knock up an underground subway