Author Topic: Betelgeuse Strikes Again  (Read 2129 times)

Bete is actually a great person when you get to know him. Its all a trickle affect one person dramas then it rolls downhill from there and I think is when he got bored with it all and Trolls.

so you're dramaing somebody for making their name blink?


this is exactly why i made my addon on rtb
It doesn't help when you're the idiot doing the same stuff on my server occasionally.

so you're dramaing somebody for making their name blink?


Actually, he did alot more, he started aruging then kept spamming the chat with connecting and disconnecting.

He is already banned from my server, so this just reinforces it.

Q: How many servers has Betel been banned from?

Q: How many servers has Betel been banned from?
Usually the majority of the top 10 servers.

Betel just goes to servers and tries to get on people's nerves. He's already banned from my servers. I think he's doing this for attention.

you're clearly feeding him the drama he wants

Stop saying his name three times and this kind of stuff wouldn't happen

Yeah, but no.